[May 8, 1968] A Visit to Thirdmancon, the 1968 British Science Fiction Convention

by Alison Scott A report of the Thirdmancon, Eastercon 1968 It’s hard to overstate the anticipation I had for Eastercon 1968. It was going to be the largest national convention ever, with over 200 fans expected! In the end I understand that something like 150 people turned up; still the largest British national convention yet. … Continue reading [May 8, 1968] A Visit to Thirdmancon, the 1968 British Science Fiction Convention

[April 16, 1968] Tripods and Others (April 1968 Galactoscope)

by Victoria Silverwolf Chalk and Cheese I recently read two new science fiction novels by British authors that are otherwise as different as they can be. One takes place in the very near future. The other is set centuries from now. One never leaves England. The other ventures into interstellar space. One uses an experimental … Continue reading [April 16, 1968] Tripods and Others (April 1968 Galactoscope)

[March 2, 1968] Rules and Regulations (April 1968 IF)

by David Levinson New rules Readers don’t need to be reminded that the Winter Olympics in Grenoble, France came to a close just two weeks ago. Of course, most of the attention has gone to French skier Jean-Claude Killy, who took all three gold medals in the Men’s Alpine events, and American Peggy Fleming’s absolutely … Continue reading [March 2, 1968] Rules and Regulations (April 1968 IF)

[January 10, 1968] Saving the Best For Last (Dangerous Visions, Part Three)

by Victoria Silverwolf Welcome to the last of our three discussions about an anthology of original fantasy and science fiction that's drawing a lot of attention. Love it or hate it, or maybe a little of both, it's impossible to ignore. I showed you the full wraparound cover the the first time, and offered a … Continue reading [January 10, 1968] Saving the Best For Last (Dangerous Visions, Part Three)

[December 24, 1967] Hit Parade '67 (the year's best science fiction)

by Gideon Marcus Happy holidays everyone! This is my favorite time of the year–not because presents are exchanged or because the days are finally getting longer again, but because I get to present to you the very best science fiction published in the last twelve months. Even better, since I can't possibly consume it all … Continue reading [December 24, 1967] Hit Parade '67 (the year's best science fiction)

[December 16, 1967] Long Distance Travel (December 1967 Galactoscope)

by Mx. Kris Vyas-Myall Whilst reading the Times a couple of months I was surprised to see a mention of my favourite SF periodical turn up. As regular readers of the publication will know they have managed to get a new publisher (Stonehart) and are continuing on with only a single month’s break to reorganize. … Continue reading [December 16, 1967] Long Distance Travel (December 1967 Galactoscope)

[December 4, 1967] Devaluation (New Writings in SF-11 & Beyond Infinity December 1967)

by Mx. Kris Vyas-Myall With so much news about social reforms or issues in Rhodesia and Aden, it is easy to forget that the economy was one of the main issues that led to Wilson’s election as Prime Minister, in particular dealing with the trade deficit. For almost a decade now Britain has been importing … Continue reading [December 4, 1967] Devaluation (New Writings in SF-11 & Beyond Infinity December 1967)

[November 26, 1967] The Shock of the New – Part 3 New Worlds, December 1967 – January 1968

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! You might have realised that it’s nearly Christmas – again! It has turned colder here but I’m pleased to say nothing like THAT Winter of four years ago, which has gone into the record books, I understand. Nevertheless, I do like the season, as it means I … Continue reading [November 26, 1967] The Shock of the New – Part 3 New Worlds, December 1967 – January 1968

[November 8, 1967] Four to go (December 1967 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus The New Frontier Tomorrow, history will be made: the first Saturn V, largest rocket in the history of the world, will take off.  If successful, Project Apollo's launch vehicle will be "man-rated", and one hurdle between humanity and the moon will have been cleared. Of course, we'll have full coverage of the … Continue reading [November 8, 1967] Four to go (December 1967 Galaxy)

[October 24, 1967] War, Anti-utopias and Near-Future Apocalypses New Worlds, November 1967

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! As the weather turns distinctly autumnal here, I guess that we can say Goodbye to the so-called “Summer of Love”. Here in Britain I can’t say I’ve noticed major social changes, and certainly not as much as you in California – but it has at least brought … Continue reading [October 24, 1967] War, Anti-utopias and Near-Future Apocalypses New Worlds, November 1967