[August 15, 1964] What are you thinking? (The Whole Man aka Telepathist by John Brunner; The Universe Against Her, by James H. Schmitz)

[This month's Galactoscope features a pair of books with a common subject — but you already know what it is, if you possess the powers associated with that subject…] by Victoria Silverwolf Out of Many, One Baby USA and the National Bird fighting over a ribbon. It may seem highly eccentric to write a piece … Continue reading [August 15, 1964] What are you thinking? (The Whole Man aka Telepathist by John Brunner; The Universe Against Her, by James H. Schmitz)

[March 25, 1962] A Double Hit (A. Bertram Chandler's The Rim of Space and John Brunner's Secret Agent of Terra)

by Rosemary Benton I love the bookstore in my town. Not only do they have a newsstand in front that provides me with the latest world events and developments in the US space program, but they have a very comprehensive science fiction section, front and center, as you walk in. I'll occasionally look at the … Continue reading [March 25, 1962] A Double Hit (A. Bertram Chandler's The Rim of Space and John Brunner's Secret Agent of Terra)

[January 12, 1970] A Glimpse into the Future: Drug of Choice by John Lange and Crime Prevention in the 30th Century, edited by Hans Stefan Santesson

[February 14, 1968] Triple John (February 1968 Galactoscope)

by Mx. Kris Vyas-Myall The Butterfly Kid by Chester Anderson Drugs seem to be everywhere these days in science fiction. From Aldiss’ Acid War stories in New Worlds, through Dick’s Faith of Our Fathers in Dangerous Visions, to Brunner’s Productions of Time in Fantasy & Science Fiction. Some days I wonder if I am the … Continue reading [February 14, 1968] Triple John (February 1968 Galactoscope)

[September 27, 1963] Beatles, Birds and Brunner (New Worlds, October 1963)

by Mark Yon Hello again. September means that we get to Autumn, which is perhaps my favourite time of the year. The nights are getting colder and darker and the lure of a warm home with a good book or magazine grows ever more favorable. Outside the house (when I do venture outside!) those mop-top-lets, … Continue reading [September 27, 1963] Beatles, Birds and Brunner (New Worlds, October 1963)

[December 26, 1962] Diversions. (Ace Double F-161: Brunner's Times without Number, Grinnell's Destiny's Orbit)

[if you’re new to the Journey, read this to see what we’re all about!] by Gideon Marcus Ace Doubles are like an insurance policy for scientifiction readers.  Hungry for a decent yarn after a couple of lousy mags?  Want something more filling than a short story but that requires less commitment than a novel?  Did … Continue reading [December 26, 1962] Diversions. (Ace Double F-161: Brunner's Times without Number, Grinnell's Destiny's Orbit)

[February 16, 1970] Unassailable Fortresses? A Full-Five pair of issues: (Vision of Tomorrow #6)

By Mx Kris Vyas-Myall We are only in the second month of the new decade, but one thing seems to be clear. Women are no longer willing to be silent. In Leeds, hundreds of women textile workers have walked out on unofficial strike. They are opposing the pay deal struck between their union and employer, … Continue reading [February 16, 1970] Unassailable Fortresses? A Full-Five pair of issues: (Vision of Tomorrow #6)

[December 26, 1969] A Wreath of Stars (the best science fiction of 1969!)

[New to the Journey?  Read this for a brief introduction!] by Gideon Marcus We at the Journey have a special treat for you this holiday season.  Look beneath all the discarded paper and shed pine needles and gelt wrappers—why, it's a complete list of The Best Science Fiction (and Fantasy) of 1969!  With SFnal output … Continue reading [December 26, 1969] A Wreath of Stars (the best science fiction of 1969!)

[December 20, 1969] Stars above, stars at hand (January 1970 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

[New to the Journey?  Read this for a brief introduction!] by Gideon Marcus Being #2… stinks On the scene at the launch of Apollo 12, President Nixon assured the NASA technicians that America was #1 in space, and that it wasn't just jingoism—it was true! Well, even a stopped clock, etc.  In fact, all accounts … Continue reading [December 20, 1969] Stars above, stars at hand (January 1970 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

[December 12, 1969] A More Liberal Society? (Vision of Tomorrow #4)

By Mx Kris Vyas-Myall Just some of the many brands of sex you can enjoy at your local tobacconist theatre It seems the final death knell for Capital Punishment in the UK will be sounded soon. There is a vote soon in the House of Lords, widely expected to pass, to make the trial period … Continue reading [December 12, 1969] A More Liberal Society? (Vision of Tomorrow #4)