[January 10, 1970] Time On My Hands (February 1970 Fantastic)

by Victoria Silverwolf What Time Is It? That's a question that you can answer with more confidence than before, if you're willing to shell out a whole bunch of bucks.  On Christmas Day the Japanese company Seiko introduced the world's first quartz wristwatch.  (There have been clocks using quartz crystals, but not anything this small.) … Continue reading [January 10, 1970] Time On My Hands (February 1970 Fantastic)

[December 26, 1969] A Wreath of Stars (the best science fiction of 1969!)

[New to the Journey?  Read this for a brief introduction!] by Gideon Marcus We at the Journey have a special treat for you this holiday season.  Look beneath all the discarded paper and shed pine needles and gelt wrappers—why, it's a complete list of The Best Science Fiction (and Fantasy) of 1969!  With SFnal output … Continue reading [December 26, 1969] A Wreath of Stars (the best science fiction of 1969!)

[December 20, 1969] Stars above, stars at hand (January 1970 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

[New to the Journey?  Read this for a brief introduction!] by Gideon Marcus Being #2… stinks On the scene at the launch of Apollo 12, President Nixon assured the NASA technicians that America was #1 in space, and that it wasn't just jingoism—it was true! Well, even a stopped clock, etc.  In fact, all accounts … Continue reading [December 20, 1969] Stars above, stars at hand (January 1970 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

[November 8, 1969] Arabesques (December 1969 Fantastic)

by Victoria Silverwolf From Arabia to Japan The collection of Middle Eastern folktales known in English as Arabian Nights or One Thousand and One Nights is familiar to folks all over the world.  Case in point, as Rod Serling might say, is the recent Japanese animated film Senya Ichiya Monogatari, which is loosely based on … Continue reading [November 8, 1969] Arabesques (December 1969 Fantastic)

[November 2, 1969] Love and Hate (December 1969 IF)

by David Levinson A paper dragon Back in April, I wrote about a border skirmish between the Soviet Union and China. That wasn’t the end of the matter. The Soviets went on a minor diplomatic offensive, trying to get India to join an alliance against China and to pull North Korea back into the Soviet … Continue reading [November 2, 1969] Love and Hate (December 1969 IF)

[October 12, 1969] My country, right or… (November 1969 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus Justice delayed The new Supreme Court, whose prime continuity to the old one is the preservation of the name "Warren" in its Chief Justice, is now in session—minus one Justice…for now. Warren Burger has taken over from Earl Warren, and one can already feel the rightward lurch of our nation's highest judiciary.  … Continue reading [October 12, 1969] My country, right or… (November 1969 Galaxy)

[September 8, 1969] Another Orbit around the sun (Orbit 5)

By Mx Kris Vyas-Myall Having a teacher first as a mother, and now one for a wife, I think of the year as mirroring the school terms, with the new year beginning in September. But, looking at the newspapers, it doesn’t appear the world has changed much in the last twelve months. On the home … Continue reading [September 8, 1969] Another Orbit around the sun (Orbit 5)

[August 22, 1969] Peake District: New Worlds September 1969

by Fiona Moore Hello! I’m taking over the New Worlds reviews from Mark Yon, which is a little intimidating, but I hope I’ll be able to live up to his excellent legacy. On the UK Star Trek broadcast front, I missed “Mudd’s Women” due to having to take a work trip to Glasgow, but “A … Continue reading [August 22, 1969] Peake District: New Worlds September 1969

[August 10, 1969] Pushing the Envelope (September 1969 Amazing)

by John Boston The September Amazing is fronted by one of Johnny Bruck’s more cliched covers, this one from Perry Rhodan #59 from 1962.  It’s notable mainly for the fact that the guy with two guns and a fierce expression seems to be diving through a matter transmitter, and we see, impossibly, both the origin … Continue reading [August 10, 1969] Pushing the Envelope (September 1969 Amazing)

[July 28, 1969] New Worlds – on a Budget, August 1969

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! Well since last month we’ve had the Moon landing, which I’m sure you’ve read all about from my colleagues here at Galactic Journey. It was quite exciting here in England too, even if events were happening well into the early morning hours. Secondly, we’ve started showing episodes … Continue reading [July 28, 1969] New Worlds – on a Budget, August 1969