Tag Archives: Neil Shapiro

[January 20, 1970] Jolly good Ffelowes (February 1970 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

[New to the Journey?  Read this for a brief introduction!]

photo of a man with glasses and curly, long, brown hair, and a beard and mustache
by Gideon Marcus

Up in the sky!

There are some intrepid women whose names are household words: Willa Brown, Jerrie Mock, Amelia Earhart.  Others are not so familiar.  The other day, I read the obituary for a pioneering soul I'd not known of before.

Blanche Stewart Scott was born in 1885.  A native of Rochester, she was 25 when she drove a 25-horsepower Overland stock car from New York to San Francisco, her 69 hour journey marking the second time a woman had made a transcontinental drive.

This attracted the interest of aviation pioneer Glen Curtiss, who took her under his wing (so to speak) and trained her to fly.  Apparently, Mrs. Scott had never seen an airplane before her coast-to-coast jaunt; she was caught in a traffic jam outside Dayton, Ohio, caused by a flying exhibition out of Wright Field. 

After just three days of instruction, she made her first solo flight on September 5, 1910, from an airfield in Hammondsport—what may well be the first time an American woman piloted an aircraft.

Photo of a cold-weather suited young woman behind the wheel of a Curtiss Model D, open-air biplane

Over the next four years, until she gave up flying, she suffered 41 broken bones in a number of crashes.  She was one of the lucky ones: "Most of the early women fliers got killed," she once observed.

Scott's later career included working as a scriptwriter, film producer, and radio broadcaster in Hollywood.  In 1948, she became the first woman to ever ride in a jet aircraft.  During the '50s, she combed the country for vintage planes to stock the U.S. Air Force Museum near Dayton.

She died on January 12 at Genesee Hospital in her native town of Rochester, New York.

Down in the mud

full cover spread depicting two conventional, space-suited astronauts meeting a pair of tall, thin, bipedal aliens with pointed heads, also in space suits, their spindly blue and yellow spaceship/base on the lunar horizon
by Michael Gilbert

Another pioneer of sorts had something of a flutter, if not yet a brush with death (I hope).  The latest issue of Fantasy and Science Fiction is pretty bad…

From the Moon, with Love, by Neil Shapiro

Who says you can't still publish Adam and Eve stories?  This time, our parabolic (is that the adjective form of parable?) two are "Dorn" and "Lara", respectively the Master and Mistress of Fortress Desire and Fortress Hope.  They are young clones, the last two humans alive, residing in twin, invulnerable bastions on the Moon.

Three centuries after atomic apocalypse destroyed their planet, the two beings are still conducting weekly mutual bombardments, begun ages before by their predecessors. Then the "Ezkeel", alien guardians of Earth, return to unite them so that they can repopulate their home planet.  I leave it to you to decipher the thinly disguised biblical reference in their race name.

Anyway, Shapiro manages to write both in a peurile fashion and for the Playboy set (perhaps the two aren't that divergent, after all).

One star.

Black and white image of three books entitled Alien Island, LUD-In-The-Mist, and The High Place. The righthand collumn reads Our thanks to James Blish for his kind words about our science fantasy program. Here are some titles. Ballantine Books 101 Fifth Avenue New York, NY, 10003.

M-1, by Gahan Wilson

Illustrator Wilson (he gets around; I see him drawing for Playboy too) takes a stab at short story writing.  In this vignette, mysterious forces have erected a thousand-foot statue of Mickey Mouse in the Nevada desert.  The point of the story, aside from the feeble joke ending, is to see how long it takes the reader to realize what has happened, as the figure is obliquely described as characters ascend it like a cliff face.

I got the joke halfway through page 2.  The rest seemed superfluous.

Two stars.

Books (F&SF, February 1970), by James Blish

Blish tags in for Russ this month, reviewing five classic fantasies and one new novel:

James Branch Cabell: FIGURES OF EARTH,
James Branch Cabell: THE SILVER STALLION.
Fletcher Pratt: THE BLUE STAR.

All from Ballantine Books, New York, paper, 95¢: 1969.

He likes and recommends all of them.  I've read none of them…

He is less effusive about Josephin Saxton's THE HIERos GAMOS OF SAM AND AN SMITH.  He appreciates the surrealism of it, but he would have preferred that this odd Adam-an-Eve story had remained in its own world rather than transitioning into ours.

Comic Of a man in a suit wearing horns holding a sacrificial blade uses it on a chicken on a desk. He stands next to a woman in office attire. The caption reads Very Well Miss Apple -Call My Broker.
by Gahan Wilson

His Only Safari, by Sterling E. Lanier

Brigadier Ffelowes relates of the time he went to the Kenyan highlands and came face to face with the man-eating monster that inspired the Egyptian god Anubis.

Lanier does a good job of reviving the pulp era for modern audiences.  A brisk, taut read.

Four stars.

Watching Apollo, by Barry N. Malzberg

Our astronauts may be the stalwart vanguard of humanity, but they also have to shit, sometimes.

Three stars for this cheeky poem.

Initiation, by Joanna Russ

A precious homosexual and a straight-laced starship captain escape a spacewreck, landing on an odd human colony.  In contrast to their overcrowded, overconfining Earth, the new world's people are free, untechnological, and possessed of profound psionic powers.  The skipper is unable to adapt or understand.  The Terran civilian, unpleasant and mistrustful, eventually loses his inhibitions (and, apparently, his proclivity for men), becoming one with the outworlders.

Told in a dreamlike fashion to suggest the odd psychic phenomena and the constant wordless communication, I found this story's affected style off-putting.  Sex was described obliquely, less to avoid offense, it seemed; more as if Russ was embarrassed of describing the act.

I also didn't like anyone in the story, nor did I care much what happened to them.  The alienness of the colonists would have had more impact had things started with a more familiar, constrasting viewpoint.

I understand this story is also actually a detached piece of a larger novel due out later this year.  Perhaps it would make more sense in context.

Two stars.

The Tracy Business, by Gene DeWeese and Robert Coulson

Fans of the fanzine Yandro know who Robert "Buck" Coulson is (Juanita Coulson's husband).  He and DeWeese write Man from U.N.C.L.E. novels under the name "Thomas Stratton".

This story follows a private dick hired by a shrewish woman to find out why her husband disappears every four weeks for three days, spending a boodle of money in the process.  Hint: it's not another woman, and it's not blackmail.

It's a rather obvious tale, and unpleasant to boot.  Two stars.

The Multiplying Elements, by Isaac Asimov

The Good Doctor explains those "rare earths" that have their own separate spot on the periodic table, and also how they were first isolated from their containing ores.  However, we have yet to learn why they occupy their own sub-table.

Chemistry is not my strong suit, and this article is necessarily incomplete, but I'll give it four stars for now.

Dream Patrol, by Charles W. Runyon

Way back in 1952, J.T.McIntosh (when he still was calling himself M'Intosh) wrote a neat story called Hallucination Orbit.  The premise was that there were these solitary garrison stations at the edge of the solar system, manned for months at a time.  Eventually, the folks stationed there started having hallucinations, which was the sign they needed to be relieved.  The sentry of that story dreamed a succession of increasingly convincing female companions.  The tension of that tale lay in our hero's increasingly challenging attempts to distinguish fantasy from reality.

It was a warm and ultimately sweet story, and it is one of my favorites.  There's a reason it got republished in the Second Galaxy Reader (1953).

Dream Patrol has the same premise, except the illusions are caused by hostile aliens, and there is no cure.  There's also a streak of misogyny to the whole thing.  Hell, almost 20 years ago, McIntosh had women in his space navy; that's unfathomable to Runyon.

Two stars.

Autopsy report

Given how good last month's issue was, this abysmal 2.3-star mag is quite the surprise.  Let's hope this constitutes an outlier.  One prominent obituary this month is quite sufficient!

snippet of a page from the magazine: IMPORTANT NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS ON THE MOVE
Will you put yourself in the place of a copy of F&SF for a moment?
A copy that is mailed to your home, only to find that you have moved.
Is it forwarded to you? No. Is it returned to us? No. Instead, a post
office regulation decrees that it must be . . . thrown away! We are
notified of this grim procedure and charged ten cents for each notification.
Multiply this aimless ending by hundreds each month and we
have a doubly sad story: copies that do nobody any good, and a considerable
waste of money to us, money which we would much prefer to
spend on new stories. With your help, this situation can be changed.
lf you are planning a change of address, please notify us six weeks in
advance. lf possible, enclose a label from a recent issue, and be sure to
give us both your old and new address, including the zip codes.
Rockville Centre, N.Y. 11571

[New to the Journey?  Read this for a brief introduction!]

Follow on BlueSky

[November 2, 1969] Love and Hate (December 1969 IF)

by David Levinson

A paper dragon

Back in April, I wrote about a border skirmish between the Soviet Union and China. That wasn’t the end of the matter. The Soviets went on a minor diplomatic offensive, trying to get India to join an alliance against China and to pull North Korea back into the Soviet orbit. Violence flared up again in August on the Terekty River on the border between the Sinkiang region of China and the Kazakh SSR. As in April, both sides accused the other of crossing the border.

Rumor has it that Soviet Foreign Minister Alexei Kosygin attempted to contact the Chinese government in an effort to calm tensions and reopen negotiations on the border. His efforts were reportedly rudely rebuffed by Chairman Mao. At the funeral of Ho Chi Minh in early September, the Soviet and Chinese delegations went out of their way to avoid being in the same room with each other, even attending the funeral at different times.

When Kosygin left Hanoi on September 11th, his plane was denied entry into Chinese airspace, forcing a long detour. But while the plane was refueling in India, Kosygin was informed that the Chinese were ready to talk. He promptly flew to Peking, where he and Chinese Foreign Minister Chou Enlai met at the airport. They agreed to reinstate diplomatic relations and reopen talks on the border.

l. Soviet Foreign Minister Alexei Kosygin, r. Chinese Foreign Minister Chou Enlai

Despite that, Mao continued to ramp up his hostile rhetoric towards the Soviets. China also began moving large numbers of troops north to the border regions. That was followed by two unannounced nuclear tests at the end of September, most notably China’s largest detonation to date (3 megatons) on the 29th. The very next day, Chinese Defense Minister Lin Biao put the armed forces on the highest level of alert.

And then on October 9th, Mao blinked. China announced that they would no longer claim territory annexed by Tsarist Russia over the last 300 years through “unequal treaties.” The only concession demanded is that the Soviet Union acknowledge that the treaties were unfair. The status quo has been restored, and the only result of six months of high tension is several ulcers and a huge sigh of relief around the world.

Love among the ruins

Love runs through most of the stories in this month’s IF. Not as a romantic theme, but rather as an examination of the ways in which it affects the events of the stories and is in turn affected by events.

Vaguely suggested by Ancient, My Enemy. Art by Gaughan

Ancient, My Enemy, by Gordon R. Dickson

Udbahr is a hell world. Daytime temperatures are so high it is impossible for humans to survive outside of special shelters. On top of that, protein is so scarce, the only source for the natives are each other or the humans who have come to prospect and explore the ruins of an ancient civilization.

One such person is Kiev Archad, currently acting as a guide for female graduate student Willy Fairchild. Unfortunately, she is full of ideas that don’t mesh well with the ways in which humans and Udbahrs interact. Despite that, a relationship develops between the two. The final obstacle to their romance is a native named Hehog, who has decided that he and Kiev are ancient enemies, reborn every generation to take turns killing each other.

Hehog taunts Kiev. Art probably by Gaughan

This is not the Dickson story I was expecting. From the title, I thought this would be one of his military pieces, maybe a new Dorsai tale. This is personal in a way those stories aren’t, and it’s very, very good. But Dickson didn’t quite hit the mark for me. He never really sells the relationship between Kiev and Willy; worse, even though Kiev is the viewpoint character, we never really get into his head, which makes the ending a bit inscrutable. And for all that, and because I know Dickson is capable of doing better, I have to lower my rating. Don’t be surprised to see this one nominated for a lot of awards, though.

A very, very high three stars.

Now No One Waits, by Neil Shapiro

Wrecked on a dead world, a man and a woman have little hope of rescue. They spend their time in meaningless sex and exploring the ruins of a lost civilization.

The doomed couple study the map room. Art by Gaughan

Shapiro seems to be a new writer, though he isn’t this month’s IF first; maybe he has a sale or two outside science fiction. In any case, the writing is solid for the most part. The ending, though, didn’t seem to grow naturally from what came before and also felt rather obscure. A writer with potential.

A slightly below average three stars.

What Time Was That?, by Barry Malzberg

Malzberg offers us a New Wave tale of the invention of a time machine, told in first, second, and third person. It mostly works.

Three stars.

A crackpot’s time machine. Art probably by Gaughan

Heroes Die But Once, by Norman Spinrad

A newlywed couple are exploring the galaxy, hoping to find a habitable world and make their fortune. They find one, but they also find aliens who decide to stress test their relationship.

I don’t know if this is a printing error or a deliberate choice, but it’s awfully hard to read. Art by Gaughan

A reasonable effort by Spinrad, with more than a touch of Ellisonian cynicism. It’s not a pleasant read, but then it’s not trying to say pleasant things.

Three stars.

The New Thing, by John Brunner

From the title and author, I was expecting a piece satirizing the New Wave. Instead, it’s an examination of what happens to societies in the extremely far future when a sort of interstellar Guinness Book of Records makes it clear that there truly is nothing new under the sun (or any other star).

Waiting rooms will never change. Art probably by Gaughan

It’s a bit long-winded and consists almost entirely of people sitting around and talking. Nevertheless, it mostly works.

Three stars.

In the Beginning, by Glenn Chang

This month’s official new author asks if love can endure beyond the end of all things. The theme is jejune, and the ending rather trite, but the author is only 18. He shows promise, and more experience with the real world could result in some good stories.

Three stars.

The Story of Our Earth (Part 4), by Willy Ley

Ley’s history of the planet has reached the Carboniferous period. He talks about the origins of coal (no matter what Sinclair Oil may say, it wasn’t dinosaurs) and how our understanding of the period has changed. From there he moves to the Earth’s first ice age and the Permian period. He focuses on the primitive reptiles of the time and the importance of teeth to paleontologists.

Four stars.

The Man Who Would Not, by James E. Gunn

It’s hard to say anything about this without giving the whole thing away. In essence, it’s a conversation about the end of an experiment. Beyond that, I’ll only say that it is both downbeat and hopeful.

Four stars.

Art by Gaughan

The Seeds of Gonyl (Part 3 of 3), by Keith Laumer

Honestly, I just don’t feel motivated to summarize the end of this serial. Aliens, a guy with memories he can’t quite explain, blah, blah, blah. The hero triumphs in the end. Sort of. Everybody on Earth is dead except for a few hundred people in south-eastern Nebraska. If you’re familiar with Laumer, he does this better in other books; if you aren’t, this is not a good place to start.

A low three stars for this part (some of the action is OK) and barely three stars for the whole thing.

The hero and an ally fight an invader. Art by Gaughan

Summing up

I’m starting to feel like I know what IF is going to be like under the new management. Just looking at the scores, it doesn’t seem all that different from the Pohl days. That’s true for the peaks and averages, but the lows don’t seem to be as low. Plus, the overall tone is fresher. My only real complaint is the art being all Gaughan all the time, and uncredited. We’re not getting his best work. Otherwise, I’d say IF is looking good as we move into a new decade.

Sounds like the big story would have fit right in this month.