[January 14, 1970] Root Rot (February 1970 Venture)

by David Levinson A less perfect union Unions have been a positive for workers. They’re why we have the 40-hour work week, overtime pay, paid time off, why blue collar workers are able to buy a house, not to mention not owing their soul to the company store; I’m old enough to remember when none … Continue reading [January 14, 1970] Root Rot (February 1970 Venture)

[December 2, 1969] Communication Breakdown (January 1970 IF)

[New to the Journey?  Read this for a brief introduction!] by David Levinson Free press American readers and those who follow American politics are no doubt well aware of President Nixon’s speech on the “Vietnamization” of the war in Indo-China. All three national networks carried the speech, of course, and followed it up with analysis … Continue reading [December 2, 1969] Communication Breakdown (January 1970 IF)

[August 22, 1969] Peake District: New Worlds September 1969

by Fiona Moore Hello! I’m taking over the New Worlds reviews from Mark Yon, which is a little intimidating, but I hope I’ll be able to live up to his excellent legacy. On the UK Star Trek broadcast front, I missed “Mudd’s Women” due to having to take a work trip to Glasgow, but “A … Continue reading [August 22, 1969] Peake District: New Worlds September 1969

[July 31, 1969] Stranger than fiction (August 1969 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus Dip in Road A week has gone by since Mary Jo Kopechne, a 28 year-old worker on Robert F. Kennedy's campaign, lost her life.  Of course you've read the news.  She went to Martha's Vineyard for a reunion with other campaign workers, where she met the last surviving Kennedy brother, Teddy.  According … Continue reading [July 31, 1969] Stranger than fiction (August 1969 Analog)

[June 30, 1969] Anywhere but here (July 1969 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus Scenes from abroad And so, our longest Japan trip to date has wrapped up.  We're still developing the many rolls of film we took, but here are some highlights from our vacation that included the cities Fukuoka, Amagi, Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya, and Tokyo: Nanami and The Young Traveler zoom down a slide … Continue reading [June 30, 1969] Anywhere but here (July 1969 Analog)

[March 2, 1969] Dreams and reality (April 1969 IF)

by David Levinson A different kind of colonialism When the Indian subcontinent gained independence, the Muslim and Hindu regions went their separate ways, contrary to the hopes of Gandhi. Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced, and there have been several conflicts between India and Pakistan over the border. But there is another problem which … Continue reading [March 2, 1969] Dreams and reality (April 1969 IF)

[February 2, 1969] Winners and Losers (March 1969 IF)

by David Levinson A different civil rights struggle When Ireland gained independence in 1922, six predominantly Protestant counties in the north of the island opted to remain part of the United Kingdom, forming what is today known as Northern Ireland. In the almost 50 years since the partition, there have been tensions both between the … Continue reading [February 2, 1969] Winners and Losers (March 1969 IF)

[December 16, 1968] Adventure and eulogies (December Galactoscope)

by Mx. Kris Vyas-Myall Arthur Sellings Double Feature I was sad to read in last month’s Science Fiction Times of the death of Arthur Sellings at only 47. His is a name not well known enough outside of the UK. His story follows the standard pattern of many of the current crop of great SF … Continue reading [December 16, 1968] Adventure and eulogies (December Galactoscope)

[August 2, 1968] Dreams and Nightmares (September 1968 IF)

by David Levinson Is the nightmare ending? I’ve written a few times about the turmoil in communist China brought on by Chairman Mao Tse-tung’s efforts to reassert his power after being sidelined. The most dangerous of Mao’s tools has been the explosive, violent fanaticism of the country’s young people. Calling themselves Red Guards, they came … Continue reading [August 2, 1968] Dreams and Nightmares (September 1968 IF)

[May 31, 1968] Euler's Issue (June 1968 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus Constants The universe is based on a host of magic numbers.  Without them, the cosmos would be entirely different and probably uninhabitable.  Some of these "constants" are familiar to the layman, Pi perhaps being the most so.  Engineers are familiar with electron-Volts and atomic masses.  Chemists know Avogadro's number, the relationship between … Continue reading [May 31, 1968] Euler's Issue (June 1968 Analog)