[January 26, 1965] Down the Rabbit Hole…Again (February 1965 IF)

by Gideon Marcus TV Triplets Back when the Young Traveler and I were watching The Twilight Zone, we accidentally picked the wrong time to turn on the set and ended up getting introduced to Mr. Ed, Supercar, and The Andy Griffith Show, in that order.  It made for an amusing night, and we learned a … Continue reading [January 26, 1965] Down the Rabbit Hole…Again (February 1965 IF)

[December 5, 1964] Steady as she goes (January 1965 IF)

by Gideon Marcus A tale of two missions Mariner 4, launched November 28, 1964, is on its way to Mars.  Shortly after launch, the smart folks at Jet Propulsion Laboratory (some of whom I met last weekend!) determined that Mariner was going to miss its destination by some 200,000 kilometers.  So they calculated the nudge … Continue reading [December 5, 1964] Steady as she goes (January 1965 IF)

[November 11, 1964] Unloading (December 1964 Amazing)

by John Boston The festivities continue, albeit muted, at the University of California at Berkeley, where the administration continues its clumsy and tone-deaf standoff with students and some faculty who are demanding rather ordinary political rights in the public places of what amounts to their home town.  From this distance, it seems the administration is … Continue reading [November 11, 1964] Unloading (December 1964 Amazing)

[November 7, 1964] Landslides and Damp Squibs (December 1964 IF)

by Gideon Marcus In Your Heart, You Knew He Was Wrong It's been a month for dramatic political change.  In the Soviet Union, Khruschev was deposed after eight years in power, and the British Labor party came to the fore after thirteen years in the wilderness.  And in the United States, the reactionary politics of … Continue reading [November 7, 1964] Landslides and Damp Squibs (December 1964 IF)

[October 8, 1964] Through Time and Space (November 1964 IF)

by Gideon Marcus In the presence of greatness This weekend, I attended a small gathering of SF fans in San Diego.  I'd been invited to give a talk on the first season of Doctor Who, a new science fiction show currently playing across the Atlantic in the UK.  While I've never actually seen any episodes … Continue reading [October 8, 1964] Through Time and Space (November 1964 IF)

[September 18, 1964] Split Personality (October 1964 IF)

[Don't miss your chance to get your copy of Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women (1958-1963), some of the best science fiction of the Silver Age.  If you like the Journey, you'll love this book (and you'll be helping us out, too!) by Gideon Marcus Which one is it? It's election season, and the commercials are … Continue reading [September 18, 1964] Split Personality (October 1964 IF)

[August 21, 1964] The Good News (September 1964 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

by Gideon Marcus Reversing the trend The United States is the richest country in the world.  By any reckoning, we measure in superlatives: biggest economy, strongest military, most movies, coolest cars.  But there is one outsized statistic we shouldn't bury in gloss — 19% of Americans live in poverty. Several months back, newly installed President … Continue reading [August 21, 1964] The Good News (September 1964 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

[July 6, 1964] Busy Schedule (August 1964 IF)

by Gideon Marcus SFlying Eastward Today saw the Journey in the wilds of Utah, attending a small science fiction conclave out in the lovely summer desert of Deseret.  What could have impelled us to make another plane trek less than a week after having returned from a long sojourn in Japan? Well, we were invited.  … Continue reading [July 6, 1964] Busy Schedule (August 1964 IF)

[June 12, 1964] RISING THROUGH THE MURK (the July 1964 Amazing)

by John Boston Wishing Waiting Hoping Can it be . . . drifting up through the murk, like a forgotten suitcase floating up from an old shipwreck . . . a worthwhile issue of Amazing? You certainly can’t tell by the cover, which is one of the ugliest jobs ever perpetrated by the usually talented … Continue reading [June 12, 1964] RISING THROUGH THE MURK (the July 1964 Amazing)

[Apr. 6, 1964] The art of word-smithing (May 1964 IF)

by Gideon Marcus The gimmick Everybody's got to have an angle these days to stand out.  Volkswagen cars are tiny and cute.  Avis, being number two, tries harder.  In your heart, you know Goldwater's… right? Science fiction magazines are no strangers to gimmicks.  Fantasy and Science Fiction has "All-star issues" with nothing but big-name authors … Continue reading [Apr. 6, 1964] The art of word-smithing (May 1964 IF)