[July 6, 1961] Trends (August 1961 Galaxy, second half)

Human beings look for patterns.  We espy the moon, and we see a face.  We study history and see it repeat (or at least rhyme, said Mark Twain).  We look at the glory of the universe and infer a Creator.  We look at the science fiction genre and we (some of us) conclude that it … Continue reading [July 6, 1961] Trends (August 1961 Galaxy, second half)

[January 6, 1960] Watch your tongue?  (February 1961 Galaxy, Part 1)

The old saying goes, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."  As you know, I am rarely reserved when I don't like a piece of work.  Every once in a while, I get a gentle chiding.  One reader said he didn't want to hear about stories I don't like–just the ones … Continue reading [January 6, 1960] Watch your tongue?  (February 1961 Galaxy, Part 1)

[Dec. 11, 1960] Something Bright (the 1960 Galactic Stars!)

The chill of winter is finally here, heralding the end of a year.  It's time for eggnog, nutmeg, presents, pies, and family.  But more importantly, it's time for the second annual Galactic Stars awards. Forget the Hugos–here's what I liked best in 1960. In a tradition I began last year, I look back at all … Continue reading [Dec. 11, 1960] Something Bright (the 1960 Galactic Stars!)

[Oct. 30, 1960] Halloween Candy (the November 1960 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

With Halloween around the corner, one might have thought that there would have been an extra spooky issue of Fantasy and Science Fiction this month.  Nothing doing.  The current issue is nothing extraordinary, if not completely forgettable.  Having covered the end novellette in my last article, it's time to cover the rest of the magazine. … Continue reading [Oct. 30, 1960] Halloween Candy (the November 1960 Fantasy and Science Fiction)