[March 31, 1966] Shapes of Things (April 1966 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus Change Out in the world of music, there's a change brewing. One can hear it in the experimentation of the Beatles' Rubber Soul album or the otherworldly tinge of The Yardbirds' latest hit, Shapes of Things. I've been long planning to write an article on the musical scene, and I'd best get … Continue reading [March 31, 1966] Shapes of Things (April 1966 Analog)

[March 2, 1966] Words and Pictures (April 1966 IF)

by David Levinson For a lot of people, February tops the list as their least favorite month. In the northern hemisphere, it’s cold and dark, and spring seems a long way off. The only things to break up the monotony are Valentine’s Day, which isn’t for everybody, and (most of the time) Carneval or Mardi … Continue reading [March 2, 1966] Words and Pictures (April 1966 IF)

[February 26, 1966] Such promise (March 1966 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus Tuckered out Imagine training your whole life to run in the Olympics.  Imagine making it and competing in the quadrennial event, representing your nation before the entire world.  Imagine making perfect strides, outdistancing your competitors, sailing far out in front…and then stumbling. Defeat at the moment of victory. Ron Clarke of Australia, … Continue reading [February 26, 1966] Such promise (March 1966 Analog)

[February 12, 1966] Past?  Imperfect.  Future?  Tense. (March 1966 Fantastic)

by Victoria Silverwolf Straight From the Horse's Mouth The Noble Editor and my Esteemed Colleagues always do a fine job of informing our fellow Journeyers about what's happening on Earth and in outer space. There is one small piece of news, however, which seems to have escaped notice. The last episode of Mister Ed appeared … Continue reading [February 12, 1966] Past?  Imperfect.  Future?  Tense. (March 1966 Fantastic)

[February 8, 1966] Feeling A Draft (March 1966 IF)

by David Levinson Dodging the issue Conscription has been part of American military planning for a little over a century, and it’s never been popular. From the draft riots of the Civil War to young men burning their draft cards today, there has always been resistance. During the Civil War, wealthy men could hire substitutes … Continue reading [February 8, 1966] Feeling A Draft (March 1966 IF)

[December 31, 1965] Untermag (January 1966 Analog

by Gideon Marcus [Time is running out to get your Worldcon membership!  Register here to be able to vote for the Hugos next year.] Ubermensch There's no question that John W. Campbell's got an axe to grind.  Not too long ago, he wrote an editorial about how the bipedal humanoid form, the best, most efficient, … Continue reading [December 31, 1965] Untermag (January 1966 Analog

[December 14, 1965] Expect the Unexpected (January 1966 Fantastic)

by Victoria Silverwolf It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's . . . a Meteor? A Satellite? A Flying Saucer? Things got off to a bang earlier this month, in a most unexpected way. On the evening of December 9, folks in Canada and the United States saw a fireball in the sky. According to … Continue reading [December 14, 1965] Expect the Unexpected (January 1966 Fantastic)

[November 2, 1965] Revolution! (December 1965 IF)

by David Levinson Americans have an odd relationship with revolution. They’re quite proud of their own, but extremely leery of anyone else’s. But revolution seems to be the natural order of things in the 20th century. Not all of them have been violent, nor have all of them been political. And no doubt we will … Continue reading [November 2, 1965] Revolution! (December 1965 IF)

[October 24, 1965] "What time is it?" (October Galactoscope)

By Jason Sacks Well, so far this has been a great month. Last week saw the end of a dynamite World Series, in which Sandy Koufax, the greatest pitcher of his generation, showed himself to be one of the greatest Jews of his generation as well. It was tremendously meaningful to my family that Sandy … Continue reading [October 24, 1965] "What time is it?" (October Galactoscope)

[October 22, 1965] Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (November 1965 Fantastic)

by Victoria Silverwolf Days of Our Lives I'm stealing the name of a new soap opera, due to premiere on NBC next month, because it sums up the way that past, present, and future came together in the news this month. Yale University put an item known as the Vinland Map on public display on … Continue reading [October 22, 1965] Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (November 1965 Fantastic)