[December 31, 1966] Barriers to quality (January 1967 Analog)

[Today is the last day you can sign up for next year's Worldcon if you want to be able to nominate Hugo candidates!  Sign up now!] by Gideon Marcus An argument for free trade? Yesterday, Europe got a bit freer.  The nations of Austria, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom–along with associate … Continue reading [December 31, 1966] Barriers to quality (January 1967 Analog)

[December 2, 1966] Mixed Bags (January 1967 IF)

by David Levinson November was no more or less eventful than most months, but nothing really caught my eye. The Republicans made modest gains in the mid-term elections, California elected a so-so actor as governor and New Orleans is getting a football team in what certainly looks like recompense to Representative Hale Boggs and Senator … Continue reading [December 2, 1966] Mixed Bags (January 1967 IF)

[October 16, 1966] Only the Lonely (November 1966 Fantastic)

by Victoria Silverwolf with apologies to Roy Orbison Solitary Confinement To be a citizen of a nation inside another nation must be a very lonely feeling. Italy contains two of these countries, the tiny nations of San Marino and Vatican City. A third member of that exclusive club came into existence on October 4, when … Continue reading [October 16, 1966] Only the Lonely (November 1966 Fantastic)

[October 2, 1966] At Heart (November 1966 IF)

by David Levinson Throughout the millennia in every human culture, the heart has been a key symbol. From the center of the body to the seat of life, emotion, mind or soul, its meaning varies, but it is always important. These days, it’s mostly a symbol of love, but it’s also connected with courage and … Continue reading [October 2, 1966] At Heart (November 1966 IF)

[September 26, 1966] All that glitters: in praise of Cele Goldsmith Lalli

by John Boston Gone but not Forgotten SF editors come in highly assorted makes and models and evoke equally varied reactions. Some are revered as movers and shakers (though not always unanimously); a few are reviled as debasers of the field; some are barely noticed at all. A few have earned sympathetic respect for making … Continue reading [September 26, 1966] All that glitters: in praise of Cele Goldsmith Lalli

[July 8, 1966] South Pohl (August 1966 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus The Big Bang The Americans and Soviets have signed onto a Partial Test Ban Treaty, restricting nuclear tests to deep underground. The Chinese and French are under no such obligation, however.  Not only have the Chinese detonated two (or was it three?) atomic devices in the open air, but now the French … Continue reading [July 8, 1966] South Pohl (August 1966 Galaxy)

[June 16, 1966] Calm Spots (July 1966 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

by Gideon Marcus Hot Times Summer is looming, and it looks like we're in for another riot season.  I suppose it only stands to reason given that inequality still runs rampant in a nation ostensibly dedicated to equality.  This time, the outrage boiled over in Chicago, and the group involved was of Puerto Rican extraction. … Continue reading [June 16, 1966] Calm Spots (July 1966 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

[June 2, 1966] Bad Decisions (July 1966 IF)

by David Levinson Trouble at the Cactus Curtain It may surprise many of you to learn that there is a United States military presence in Cuba. Since 1903, the U. S. has maintained a naval base at Guantanamo Bay, near the south-eastern end of the island. Originally, it was a coaling station and then served … Continue reading [June 2, 1966] Bad Decisions (July 1966 IF)

[May 2, 1966] By Any Other Name (June 1966 IF)

by David Levinson That which we call a purge Successful revolutions often seem to devolve into vicious internal fighting as various factions turn on each other. Many of us are old enough to remember Stalin’s purges in 1937, and I’m sure we all remember learning about the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution when … Continue reading [May 2, 1966] By Any Other Name (June 1966 IF)

[April 2, 1966] Hidden Truths (May 1966 IF)

Don't miss tomorrow's exciting Adventure-themed episode of The Journey Show, taking you to the highest peaks, the deepest wildernesses, the coldest extremes, the vacuum of space, and the depths of the sea.  April 3 at 1PM — book your (free) ticket for adventure now!) by David Levinson They’re on our side (I believe) There’s no … Continue reading [April 2, 1966] Hidden Truths (May 1966 IF)