[June 26, 1967] Change is Here (New Worlds, July 1967)

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! It’s been a while, but I’m pleased to finally receive a copy of the new New Worlds. (Note: no longer with sf impulse.) And it is new, and different. The first noticeable change was heralded by the slap of the magazine landing on my doormat. Clearly designed … Continue reading [June 26, 1967] Change is Here (New Worlds, July 1967)

[May 6, 1967] Stirred?  Shaken? (June 1967 Amazing)

by John Boston Is something stirring at Amazing?  After several issues devoid of non-fiction features, this one starts a book review column by Harry Harrison, whose brief stint as nominal editor of the British magazine SF Impulse ended a few months ago.  Is a remake in order?  A change of guard in the wind?  There’s … Continue reading [May 6, 1967] Stirred?  Shaken? (June 1967 Amazing)

[April 8, 1967] Swan Songs (May 1967 Worlds of Tomorrow)

by Victoria Silverwolf After the Ball is Over According to my sources in the publishing world, the latest issue of Worlds of Tomorrow is the last one that will be published. I can't say I'm completely surprised, given Frederik Pohl's juggling act of editing three magazines at once. Worlds of Tomorrow is the youngest of … Continue reading [April 8, 1967] Swan Songs (May 1967 Worlds of Tomorrow)

[March 14, 1967] Family Matters (April 1967 Amazing)

Today is the LAST day you can nominate for the Hugos.  Please consider voting for Galactic Journey for Best Fanzine.  And here are all the other categories we and our associates are eligible for this year! by John Boston The April Amazing splashes an impressive array of marquee names on the cover: Hugo winners Frank … Continue reading [March 14, 1967] Family Matters (April 1967 Amazing)

[February 18, 1967] Six!  Count them — Six! (February Galactoscope)

by Gideon Marcus Failing Fair Three titles for you today across two books (reminds me of the old astronomical saw: "Three out of every two stars is a binary"). None of them are great, but one of them is surprisingly decent given the source. Twin Planets, by Philip E. High "Fast-paced, readable fun," pretty much … Continue reading [February 18, 1967] Six!  Count them — Six! (February Galactoscope)

[January 10, 1967] Return to sender (February 1967 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus President Johnson commissioned noted (and favorite of our editor, Janice) artist Peter Hurd to draw his official Presidential portrait.  This was the result: Reportedly, upon seeing the painting, Johnson described it as the ugliest thing he had ever seen.  Aghast, the artist asked what the President had wanted in a portrait.  Lyndon … Continue reading [January 10, 1967] Return to sender (February 1967 Galaxy)

[December 26, 1966] Harvesting the Starfields (1966's Galactic Stars!)

by Gideon Marcus There are many outlets that cover new releases in science fiction and fantasy.  But to my knowledge, only one attempts to review every English language publication in the world (not to mention stuff published beyond the U.S. and U.K.!) We are proud of the coverage we provide. And this is the time … Continue reading [December 26, 1966] Harvesting the Starfields (1966's Galactic Stars!)

[November 24, 1966] Middling (December 1966 Amazing)

by John Boston Better Red than . . . ? The December Amazing, all business, with the editorial and letter column seemingly dropped permanently , makes a nice-looking package, with a cover by Frank R. Paul shamelessly dominated by near-fire engine red.  It’s taken from the back cover of the January 1942 Amazing, where it … Continue reading [November 24, 1966] Middling (December 1966 Amazing)

[October 16, 1966] Only the Lonely (November 1966 Fantastic)

by Victoria Silverwolf with apologies to Roy Orbison Solitary Confinement To be a citizen of a nation inside another nation must be a very lonely feeling. Italy contains two of these countries, the tiny nations of San Marino and Vatican City. A third member of that exclusive club came into existence on October 4, when … Continue reading [October 16, 1966] Only the Lonely (November 1966 Fantastic)

[September 26, 1966] All that glitters: in praise of Cele Goldsmith Lalli

by John Boston Gone but not Forgotten SF editors come in highly assorted makes and models and evoke equally varied reactions. Some are revered as movers and shakers (though not always unanimously); a few are reviled as debasers of the field; some are barely noticed at all. A few have earned sympathetic respect for making … Continue reading [September 26, 1966] All that glitters: in praise of Cele Goldsmith Lalli