[December 12, 1962] UP THE SPOUT AGAIN (the January 1963 Amazing)

by John Boston All right, Frogeyes,* dust off all the stars.  We’re finally going to need them for this January 1963 Amazing, specifically for Keith Laumer’s novelet It Could Be Anything. *Those without a classical education may ignore this and similar allusions. “Things are not what they seem” is a well worn SF device, employed … Continue reading [December 12, 1962] UP THE SPOUT AGAIN (the January 1963 Amazing)

[November 3, 1962] A Plague of Purple (December 1962 Galaxy)

[if you’re new to the Journey, read this to see what we’re all about!] by Gideon Marcus A plague has invaded the galaxy. Well, more specifically, a plague has invaded Galaxy, as evidenced in the December 1962 issue. It has become de riguer at my former favorite magazine, that of Fantasy and Science Fiction, to … Continue reading [November 3, 1962] A Plague of Purple (December 1962 Galaxy)

[Sep. 20, 1962] Out of this World (the British Summer SF hit!)

[if you’re new to the Journey, read this to see what we’re all about!] By Ashley R. Pollard The end of summer has come, and autumn is upon us.  The result of the Earth’s journey around the sun, and as my esteemed colleague Mr. Mark Yon said, the weather here has been wet.  Sometimes we … Continue reading [Sep. 20, 1962] Out of this World (the British Summer SF hit!)

[September 1, 1962] Facing East (a view from the UK: October 1962 New Worlds)

[if you’re new to the Journey, read this to see what we’re all about!] by Mark Yon Hello, all: greetings from Britain, again. The October issue of New Worlds has arrived, so I guess that must mean that it is time to send my thoughts across the teletype. Here things are turning Autumnal. We’ve had … Continue reading [September 1, 1962] Facing East (a view from the UK: October 1962 New Worlds)

[March 22, 1962] Provoking Thought (April 1962 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus Ask the average citizen their opinion of science fiction and they'll likely mention monsters, flying saucers, and ray guns.  SF has gotten a bad rap lately, largely due to the execrable movies nominally representing it, but there's no question that the pulps of the 30s and 40s, and the lesser magazines of … Continue reading [March 22, 1962] Provoking Thought (April 1962 Analog)

[September 6, 1960] The 1960 WorldCon in Pittsburgh!

The Journey presents that annual assemblage of scientifiction (stf or "steff") fans known as WorldCon! all pictures from fanac.org Of course, I wasn't actually present at the con, it being held some 2500 miles away on the 17th floor of the Penn Sheraton in Pittsburgh.  But I know people, and I have access to a … Continue reading [September 6, 1960] The 1960 WorldCon in Pittsburgh!

[August 27, 1960] Coming up in September!

Every month, I get a heads up from my connections in the publishing, movie, and aerospace industries to let me know what books, films, and space launches will occur in the near future.  August is coming to a close, which means its time for a sneak preview of coming attractions for the month of September.  … Continue reading [August 27, 1960] Coming up in September!

[April 13, 1960] An unfulfilled promise (May 1960 F&SF)

Every month, there is the perennial hope that this will be the month a truly great story will be published. Every month, a stack of science fiction digests arrives at my door. There are few moments as exciting as that day (my postman holds them all so they arrive at once; I like big events). … Continue reading [April 13, 1960] An unfulfilled promise (May 1960 F&SF)

One IF by land… (September 1959 IF; 8-29-1959)

September is almost over, and it’s not even the end of August. Confused?  It’s standard practice to date magazines with the month that they are to be taken off the shelves.  Thus, I got all of my September 1959 issues in late June.  I also got my October Galaxy around then, too, but that’s because … Continue reading One IF by land… (September 1959 IF; 8-29-1959)