[June 24, 1969] Checking in from Seattle: The Existential Stress of Progress (Galactic Pot Healer by Philip K. Dick)

by Jason Sacks Welcome to Seattle, and let me tell you, June 1969 is a busy month here in the often quiet Pacific Northwest. We have a baseball team! And we may be losing a relic of our past while fighting about the present and rocking our own giant music festival… well, at least, we … Continue reading [June 24, 1969] Checking in from Seattle: The Existential Stress of Progress (Galactic Pot Healer by Philip K. Dick)

[July 4, 1965]: Hoode Hoode Hoo (Doctor Bloodmoney by Philip K. Dick)

By Jason Sacks With a Bang Today is Independence Day, traditionally celebrated with a dazzling pyrotechnic display. And so it is appropriate that the book I'm sharing with you today deals with the biggest bang humanity can make: the atomic bomb. Doctor Bloodmoney by Philip K. Dick is an astonishing book. I use astonishing in all … Continue reading [July 4, 1965]: Hoode Hoode Hoo (Doctor Bloodmoney by Philip K. Dick)

[November 6, 1962] The road not taken… (Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle)

[if you’re new to the Journey, read this to see what we’re all about!] by Gideon Marcus What if the good guys had lost World War 2? Imagine a United States split in three pieces: the East Coast is a protectorate of the Reich.  The West has been colonized by the Japanese.  A rump free … Continue reading [November 6, 1962] The road not taken… (Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle)

[April 24, 1969] The Strange New Normal New Worlds, May 1969

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! With this issue of New Worlds, number 190, we now seem to be getting back to a regular monthly schedule and the new style seems to be bedding itself down into a regular format – although this being New Worlds I suspect that they would hate any … Continue reading [April 24, 1969] The Strange New Normal New Worlds, May 1969

[August 28, 1966] Messiahs and Resignation (New Worlds and SF Impulse, September 1966)

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! An interesting month for the Brit magazines, as there seems to be changes going on – again. More of which later, but I’m going to change convention this month and start with New Worlds, simply because it arrived first! Terrific cover by Keith Roberts The magazine is … Continue reading [August 28, 1966] Messiahs and Resignation (New Worlds and SF Impulse, September 1966)

[February 22, 1966] A New Age? Impulse and New Worlds, March 1966

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! This is a particularly exciting time with the British magazines this month. After the announcement of the end of Science Fantasy in the February issue, we now have Impulse, “The NEW Science Fantasy”, as it says on the cover, and a bigger, bolder, thicker New Worlds – … Continue reading [February 22, 1966] A New Age? Impulse and New Worlds, March 1966

[November 26, 1965] Plagues and Unicorns Science Fantasy and New Worlds, December 1965

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! The issue that arrived first in the post this month was Science Fantasy.. However, the incredibly cheap looking cover did not bode well. I reckon the thankfully-unnamed artist put this together at the end of a spare five minutes. But it is in colour. This month’s Editorial, … Continue reading [November 26, 1965] Plagues and Unicorns Science Fantasy and New Worlds, December 1965

[May 22, 1969] News / Beginnings (Review of Ubik) / My Book (Preview)

by Victoria Lucas !NEWS BULLETIN! Since those of you reading this might not be familiar with events in Berkeley, California, I thought I should report here the death of James Rector, a 25-year-old man shot by a sheriff deputy while on a roof watching the protest against the destruction of community improvements to a vacant … Continue reading [May 22, 1969] News / Beginnings (Review of Ubik) / My Book (Preview)

[May 16, 1969] Strange Dreams (May Galactoscope)

[We've got another wonderful haul of books for you this month, many of which are well worth you're time.  Be sure to read on 'til the end—you'll definitely catch the reading bug!] By Mx Kris Vyas-Myall The Hieros Gamos of Sam and An Smith by Josephine Saxton Josephine Saxton is British author so, of course, … Continue reading [May 16, 1969] Strange Dreams (May Galactoscope)

[Apr. 20, 1969] Are Phoenixes Rising from ASFR's Ashes?

by Alison Scott Meanwhile in Australian Fandom For three years we have been entertained and informed by the finest Australian fanzine of our age, the Australian Science Fiction Review (ASFR). Edited by John Bangsund, it started with a remit to explore Australian SF but of course it has cast its net far wider than that. … Continue reading [Apr. 20, 1969] Are Phoenixes Rising from ASFR's Ashes?