[November 28, 1965] A Fantastic European Duo (Alphaville & The Saragossa Manuscript)

by Mx. Kris Vyas-Myall It may be a product of my age but I think cinema peaked in the early fifties, when I was just exiting my teenage years. Back then studios were willing to put out quiet meditative films. Today it is hard to see anyone making films like Harvey, The Day the Earth … Continue reading [November 28, 1965] A Fantastic European Duo (Alphaville & The Saragossa Manuscript)

[November 16, 1965] Crime and Punishment (January 1966 Worlds of Tomorrow)

by Victoria Silverwolf Breaking The Law On Stage An incident in the United Kingdom earlier this month caught my attention and made me think about the limitations on artistic expression. The play Saved by Edward Bond had its premiere on November 3rd at the Royal Court Theatre in London. What does this have to do … Continue reading [November 16, 1965] Crime and Punishment (January 1966 Worlds of Tomorrow)

[September 16, 1965] Blessed Are The Peacemakers (November 1965 Worlds of Tomorrow)

by Victoria Silverwolf Ain't Gonna Study War No More As my esteemed colleague David Levinson recently noted, war is currently raging, as it so often does, in various places around the globe. Fortunately, voices are beginning to be raised against this lamentably common human evil. Benjamin Spock, the famous baby doctor, leads a group of … Continue reading [September 16, 1965] Blessed Are The Peacemakers (November 1965 Worlds of Tomorrow)

[June 26, 1965] Disappointing Duo (June Galactoscope #2)

by Rosemary Benton Modern Man, Primitive Man (Robert Nathan's The Mallot Diaries) The Mallot Diaries is a new science fiction drama from novelist Robert Nathan. The author, best known for his 1940 fantasy mystery novel Portrait of Jennie, is a highly prolific individual whose style primarily balances satirical allegories with poetic waxing on the transient nature … Continue reading [June 26, 1965] Disappointing Duo (June Galactoscope #2)

[June 12, 1965] The Number of the Bests

by John Boston The Collectors SF anthologies are not neutral vessels.  They are shaped by editors with agendas.  Sometimes these are as simple as “what can I throw together to make some money,” but usually they advance the editor’s conception of what the field is, or should be.  The first “best of the year” compilation … Continue reading [June 12, 1965] The Number of the Bests

[June 10, 1965] Comics Go James Bond

By Jason Sacks Secret agent mania is everywhere these days. After the gilt-edge success of Goldfinger last year, the passion for dashing, daring, handsome men of action has reached a fever pitch. I’ve been picking up paperbacks of Matt Helm, Nick Carter, John LeCarre and even Doc Savage at my local Woolworths, devouring the thrilling … Continue reading [June 10, 1965] Comics Go James Bond

[May 8, 1965] Skip to the end (June 1965 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus Impatience Normally, I'd open up with a discussion at length of the news of the day.  Like how the United States is still knee-deep in the Dominican Republic, losing soldiers to snipers every day despite the ceasefire between the current military-civilian junta government and the supporters of ousted President Bosch. Or that … Continue reading [May 8, 1965] Skip to the end (June 1965 Galaxy)

[March 20, 1965] Clash of The Old & The New (February 1965 Gamma & City of a Thousand Suns)

by Mx. Kris Vyas-Myall Loud Tensions The news recently has been dominated by battles between the old-guard conservative and the new liberal voices in the matter of race relations. In the USA President Johnson has urged passage of a Voting Rights Act at the same time as another Johnson (a judge this time) has agreed … Continue reading [March 20, 1965] Clash of The Old & The New (February 1965 Gamma & City of a Thousand Suns)

[January 4, 1965] Madness: 2, Sanity: 1 (January Galactoscope)

[January's edition of the Galactoscope offers three novels in two books.  Be warned — there's madness afoot!] by Victoria Silverwolf Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun Now that you've got the Doublemint Gum jingle running through your head, allow me to explain my reason for annoying you. The Ace Double Series has been going for … Continue reading [January 4, 1965] Madness: 2, Sanity: 1 (January Galactoscope)

[December 25, 1964] Stars of Bethlehem and Galactic Journey (Galactic Stars 1964)

by Gideon Marcus [Time is running out to get your Worldcon membership!  Register here to be able to vote for the Hugos.] Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas, everyone!  Santa Traveler has got a lovely bunch of presents for you. When I started this little project, it was a lot easier to keep track of all … Continue reading [December 25, 1964] Stars of Bethlehem and Galactic Journey (Galactic Stars 1964)