[May 12, 1967] There and Back Again (June 1967 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus Living in the Past Dancing on the main stage The Renaissance Pleasure Faire has really taken off since it first opened in 1963.  Sort of a reaction to modern society, it is several acres of the 16th Century surrounded by semi-arid modern Southern California.  And as a refuge from the horrors of … Continue reading [May 12, 1967] There and Back Again (June 1967 Galaxy)

[May 2, 1967] The Call of Duty (June 1967 IF)

by David Levinson [L]et us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it. – Abraham Lincoln, Address to the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society A duty to a higher power On April 28th, heavyweight boxing champion Muhammad Ali (whom many papers insist on calling by his former name, Cassius Clay) refused induction … Continue reading [May 2, 1967] The Call of Duty (June 1967 IF)

[April 4, 1967] Transitions (May 1967 IF)

by David Levinson A fumbled hand-off Americans are taught that the true importance of the inauguration of Thomas Jefferson in 1801 is that this was the first peaceful transfer of power between rival politcal parties in history. Whether or not that’s the case, such a transfer is seen in the modern era as an indicator … Continue reading [April 4, 1967] Transitions (May 1967 IF)

[March 16, 1967] A Matter of Life and Death (Why Call Them Back From Heaven? by Clifford D. Simak; Tarnsman of Gor, by John Norman)

[Two VERY different books for you today on the Galactoscope…] by Victoria Silverwolf Wonder Stories From Wisconsin Science fiction readers hardly need an introduction to the works of Clifford D. Simak. Born in Wisconsin in 1904, and working for the Minneapolis Star newspaper since 1939, he published his first story, The World of the Red … Continue reading [March 16, 1967] A Matter of Life and Death (Why Call Them Back From Heaven? by Clifford D. Simak; Tarnsman of Gor, by John Norman)

[March 10, 1967] Mediocrités, Slayer of Magazines (April 1967 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus Not with a Bang A rising tide floats all boats, but a tidal wave swamps them.  16 years ago, Galaxy magazine was the vanguard of the Silver Age of Science Fiction, along with Fantasy and Science Fiction and Astounding leading a pack of nearly forty monthly/bimonthly/quarterlies.  By the end of the decade, … Continue reading [March 10, 1967] Mediocrités, Slayer of Magazines (April 1967 Galaxy)

[March 4, 1967] Mediocrities (April 1967 IF)

by David Levinson Method or madness? The assassination of President Kennedy a little more than three years ago is a moment engraved on everyone’s hearts and minds. The arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald brought some relief, but his subsequent murder by Jack Ruby denied Americans the catharsis a trial would have provided, with the clear … Continue reading [March 4, 1967] Mediocrities (April 1967 IF)

[February 28, 1967] The Big Stall (March 1967 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus The Big Push After a year of build-up, air raids, and smaller actions, the United States and the Army of the Republic of Vietnam have opened up the largest offensive of the war.  Operation Junction Central involves some 50,000 troops pouring into the logistical heart of VC-controlled South Vietnam west of Saigon.  … Continue reading [February 28, 1967] The Big Stall (March 1967 Analog)

[January 16, 1967] Off to a Good Start (February 1967 Worlds of Tomorrow)

by Victoria Silverwolf Happy New Year! We have to be told twice that it's the Fabulous Flamingo. Here we go with my first magazine review of 1967. I'm glad to say that the year begins with a bang, as the lead novella in the latest issue of Worlds of Tomorrow is a knockout. Will the … Continue reading [January 16, 1967] Off to a Good Start (February 1967 Worlds of Tomorrow)

[January 14, 1967] First batch (January Galactoscope)

Big, But . . . by John Boston No matter if you don’t believe in Santa Claus. Judith Merril is back with another volume of her annual anthology, 11th Annual Edition the Year’s Best S-F (sic), from Delacorte Press just in time for the Christmas trade. If you missed the boat on Christmas, surely you … Continue reading [January 14, 1967] First batch (January Galactoscope)

[January 2, 1967] Different perspectives (February 1967 IF)

by David Levinson We all know the adage about walking a mile in someone else’s shoes. Trying to see the world through others’ eyes is a good way to understand them, and that can help ease tensions and make it easier to find compromises. Of course, it’s also possible to come up with some pretty … Continue reading [January 2, 1967] Different perspectives (February 1967 IF)