[April 28, 1967] Tempest in a Teacup (The Terrornauts)

by Mx. Kris Vyas-Myall Next week will see the launch of third satellite in the British Ariel programme. Assuming this is successful, it will be significant for a couple of reasons. Firstly, whilst it is being launched in partnership with NASA in California, it will be the first satellite to be entirely made and tested … Continue reading [April 28, 1967] Tempest in a Teacup (The Terrornauts)

[April 8, 1967] Swan Songs (May 1967 Worlds of Tomorrow)

by Victoria Silverwolf After the Ball is Over According to my sources in the publishing world, the latest issue of Worlds of Tomorrow is the last one that will be published. I can't say I'm completely surprised, given Frederik Pohl's juggling act of editing three magazines at once. Worlds of Tomorrow is the youngest of … Continue reading [April 8, 1967] Swan Songs (May 1967 Worlds of Tomorrow)

[January 6, 1967] Happy Anniversary (February 1967 Amazing)

by John Boston January 6!  A portentous anniversary!  On this day in 1838, Samuel Morse publicly demonstrated the telegraph, sending a message two miles; and in 1912, German geophysicist Alfred Wegener announced his theory of the continental drift, to much skepticism until very recently. by Arnold Kahn The February 1967 Amazing is here too, in … Continue reading [January 6, 1967] Happy Anniversary (February 1967 Amazing)

[December 26, 1966] Harvesting the Starfields (1966's Galactic Stars!)

by Gideon Marcus There are many outlets that cover new releases in science fiction and fantasy.  But to my knowledge, only one attempts to review every English language publication in the world (not to mention stuff published beyond the U.S. and U.K.!) We are proud of the coverage we provide. And this is the time … Continue reading [December 26, 1966] Harvesting the Starfields (1966's Galactic Stars!)

[November 24, 1966] Middling (December 1966 Amazing)

by John Boston Better Red than . . . ? The December Amazing, all business, with the editorial and letter column seemingly dropped permanently , makes a nice-looking package, with a cover by Frank R. Paul shamelessly dominated by near-fire engine red.  It’s taken from the back cover of the January 1942 Amazing, where it … Continue reading [November 24, 1966] Middling (December 1966 Amazing)

[November 12, 1966] A Family Tradition (December 1966 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus Identical cousins My brother Louis and I diverge quite a lot.  He's an observant Jew, I'm an atheist.  He served in World War 2 (drafted into the Navy), I did not.  He's an affluent pawnbroker.  I'm a writer of questionable success. But where we differ the most is the subjects of our … Continue reading [November 12, 1966] A Family Tradition (December 1966 Galaxy)

[October 24, 1966] Birds, Roaches and Rings, New Worlds and SF Impulse, November 1966

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! We seem to be on a bit of a roll at the moment with the British magazines. Generally, there are more stories that are good than bad, and even some really, really good. Whilst the experimental stuff can be a mixed bag, there’s no denying that what … Continue reading [October 24, 1966] Birds, Roaches and Rings, New Worlds and SF Impulse, November 1966

[September 10, 1966] Bon appetit! (this month's Galactoscope)

by Victoria Silverwolf What's Space Opera, Doc? with apologies to Chuck Jones There are many different kinds of science fiction stories. Time travel, future societies, parallel worlds, and so on. When most people think of science fiction, however, they probably imagine tales set in outer space. I recently came across three new works of SF … Continue reading [September 10, 1966] Bon appetit! (this month's Galactoscope)

[September 6, 1966] The Greatest (SF) show on Earth! (1966 Worldcon and Hugo Awards)

by Gideon Marcus The Big Show There are many science fiction conventions in the United States, from New York's Lunacon to Westercon, held in San Diego this year!  But the granddaddy of them all is the annual Worldcon, which travels from city to city as various fan groups are able to submit a winning bid … Continue reading [September 6, 1966] The Greatest (SF) show on Earth! (1966 Worldcon and Hugo Awards)

[August 28, 1966] Messiahs and Resignation (New Worlds and SF Impulse, September 1966)

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! An interesting month for the Brit magazines, as there seems to be changes going on – again. More of which later, but I’m going to change convention this month and start with New Worlds, simply because it arrived first! Terrific cover by Keith Roberts The magazine is … Continue reading [August 28, 1966] Messiahs and Resignation (New Worlds and SF Impulse, September 1966)