[January 26, 1968] Jack Barron Returns!New Worlds, February 1968

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! After a month or so, I’m back. It may be a little late, but a Happy 1968 to you. Here in England the trials and tribulations of New Worlds magazine continue. If you remember, reduced subscriptions led to editor Mike Moorcock making the decision to go bi-monthly … Continue reading [January 26, 1968] Jack Barron Returns!New Worlds, February 1968

[January 10, 1968] Saving the Best For Last (Dangerous Visions, Part Three)

by Victoria Silverwolf Welcome to the last of our three discussions about an anthology of original fantasy and science fiction that's drawing a lot of attention. Love it or hate it, or maybe a little of both, it's impossible to ignore. I showed you the full wraparound cover the the first time, and offered a … Continue reading [January 10, 1968] Saving the Best For Last (Dangerous Visions, Part Three)

[December 24, 1967] Hit Parade '67 (the year's best science fiction)

by Gideon Marcus Happy holidays everyone! This is my favorite time of the year–not because presents are exchanged or because the days are finally getting longer again, but because I get to present to you the very best science fiction published in the last twelve months. Even better, since I can't possibly consume it all … Continue reading [December 24, 1967] Hit Parade '67 (the year's best science fiction)

[November 26, 1967] The Shock of the New – Part 3 New Worlds, December 1967 – January 1968

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! You might have realised that it’s nearly Christmas – again! It has turned colder here but I’m pleased to say nothing like THAT Winter of four years ago, which has gone into the record books, I understand. Nevertheless, I do like the season, as it means I … Continue reading [November 26, 1967] The Shock of the New – Part 3 New Worlds, December 1967 – January 1968

[October 26, 1967] Duet in G(ray) (Star Trek: "The Doomsday Machine")

by Gideon Marcus Remember, thou are but a mortal For the past year and a half, we've thrilled to the sight of the Enterprise, a graceful vessel that calls to mind the spindly beauty of tall ships and the blunt power of a battleship.  We've seen her proudly sailing the ether, shaken about by time … Continue reading [October 26, 1967] Duet in G(ray) (Star Trek: "The Doomsday Machine")

[September 14, 1967] Stuck in the Past (October 1967 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus The deuce, you say! The other day, a BNF opined that I was kind of a sourpuss, not really liking anything I reviewed.  Moreover, he contended that my perspective is irretrievably tainted, and that I cannot appreciate fiction of the '60s with an objective eye.  Indeed, sometimes it seems like I don't … Continue reading [September 14, 1967] Stuck in the Past (October 1967 Galaxy)

[August 31, 1967] I wouldn't send a knight out on a dog like this… (September 1967 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus Reversed metaphors As we speak, I am packing for my trip to this year's Worldcon.  I'm not sure what to expect other than I understand I'll be on a lot of panels.  I'm mostly looking forward to seeing friends like Tom Purdom, Larry Niven, Ted White, and more. My excitement is somewhat … Continue reading [August 31, 1967] I wouldn't send a knight out on a dog like this… (September 1967 Analog)

[August 18, 1967] The Best and the Brightest? (September 1967 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

by Gideon Marcus Inside baseball In the latest issue of Science Fiction Times, author Norman Spinrad complains that with just four science fiction magazines left, under the helm of three editors, it is impossible for the 250 members of the newly formed Science Fiction Writers of America to make a living at short story writing.  … Continue reading [August 18, 1967] The Best and the Brightest? (September 1967 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

[July 28, 1967] The Shock of the New – Rabbits, Hedgehogs and Kazoos (New Worlds, August 1967)

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! After last month’s impressive resurrection of New Worlds, I’m quite intrigued this month to see whether editor Mike Moorcock’s vision of the future of British science fiction magazines can be upheld. Let’s go to the issue! They say "sex sells". This may be the reason for this … Continue reading [July 28, 1967] The Shock of the New – Rabbits, Hedgehogs and Kazoos (New Worlds, August 1967)

[January 14, 1967] First batch (January Galactoscope)

Big, But . . . by John Boston No matter if you don’t believe in Santa Claus. Judith Merril is back with another volume of her annual anthology, 11th Annual Edition the Year’s Best S-F (sic), from Delacorte Press just in time for the Christmas trade. If you missed the boat on Christmas, surely you … Continue reading [January 14, 1967] First batch (January Galactoscope)