[March 4, 1967] Mediocrities (April 1967 IF)

by David Levinson Method or madness? The assassination of President Kennedy a little more than three years ago is a moment engraved on everyone’s hearts and minds. The arrest of Lee Harvey Oswald brought some relief, but his subsequent murder by Jack Ruby denied Americans the catharsis a trial would have provided, with the clear … Continue reading [March 4, 1967] Mediocrities (April 1967 IF)

[September 2, 1966] On the Edge (October 1966 IF)

by David Levinson Big Trouble in China Back in May, I wrote about the political maneuvering going on in China, and I predicted purges would follow. Rarely have I been so sorry to be right. On August 13th, Mao Tse-tung announced a purge of Party officials as part of the Cutural Revolution. And he has … Continue reading [September 2, 1966] On the Edge (October 1966 IF)

[August 2, 1966] Mirages (September 1966 IF)

by David Levinson The popular image of a mirage is a shining oasis in a desert replete with shady palm trees and sometimes dancing girls. That’s not how mirages work. We’re all familiar with heat shimmer, say on a hot, empty asphalt road, casting the image of the sky onto the ground and resembling water. … Continue reading [August 2, 1966] Mirages (September 1966 IF)