[March 20, 1963] TIME TRAVEL (1962 from the perspective of SFF-writer, David Rome)

[I am very pleased to present an article that just arrived by post from David Boutland (a.k.a. David Rome), whose stories have been the subject of review several times.  It marks the first time this fanzine has been graced with presence of a current SFF writer.  It is written in the form of a retrospective, at the big end of a 55-year long telescope…]

by David Rome

In Chester I went exploring the remembered years, turning left into a cul-de-sac of terraced houses and here is the corner shop on the right and ahead the low brick wall topped by the rusty spiked iron railings.

And on the other side of the railings the railway shunting yard with shrill whistle of shunting engine.

A clatter of running feet, two small boys racing each other and the echo of my own voice ringing out after the troops returned from the war and my old man had quit his job at the dairy, taken us out of Sodhouse Bank Gateshead, and brought us here to start a new life.

And I stand looking at number 8 Gresford Avenue then walk the few strides to the end of the street. How short the distance and how small the houses. I look down over waist-high rusty spikes into the place of old adventures. A trickling flow of what couldn't even be called a stream scummy with weed and rubbish and along there where the old gasometer had been that kid went fishing with jamjar on a long string and had fallen screaming and drowned under stagnant water.

I turned my back on the railway wasteland and stood looking at the little windows of crowded little houses. How different to the low, tiled bungalows of the Great South Land. Maybe I don't belong here. Maybe I don't fit.

But I found a flat over a butcher's shop and settled in. Early each morning I was woken by the pounding of cleavers as bloody carcasses were dismembered. Nightly, the tv set showed scenes of protest in Trafalgar Square where truncheon-wielding London bobbies were doing what cops all over the world do, enforce the will of their masters. They charged into peaceful crowds of CND demonstrators with thudding truncheons.

In Russia, America, and Britain missiles with atomic warheads stood ready to end all war.

And in the U.S. Kennedy told Khrushchev to get his missiles the hell out of Cuba. Khrushchev's reply was go to hell. Kennedy blockaded Cuba.

There's a kind of hush

was the mood.

The Earth spins through space. Our home. Infinite space surrounds us. No known habitable world to escape to. The tests of the pre-Cuba crisis had already exposed half a million people to radiation as politicians and glory-hungry generals sought to gain the edge. Two million workers in nuclear weapons plants were preparing to seed the environment with life-wasting emissions. Human guinea pigs were reported to have been tested in the Nevada desert. Their skin peeled loose and their hair fell out. Kennedy urged Congress to build fallout shelters.

The world turned.

While murder was contemplated on a scale beyond human imagination. While secret underground bunkers were readied for our Rulers so the Administration could preserve what it always preserves: itself. 

Meanwhile a judge sat on high and looked down on the likes of James Hanratty, a young petty criminal convicted of shooting dead another young man and raping his victim's girlfriend before shooting her, and leaving her paralyzed. His trial went on for twenty one days, the longest and one of the most expensive in the history of murder in England. The jury took almost ten hours to bring in their verdict of guilty. Hanratty was put to death.

And even as nuclear stand-off in Cuba paralyzed the world, new evidence emerged that persuaded many of us that Hanratty was a victim of a state killing and was not a murderer.

Killers must be brought to account. What nightmare scenario would the fat cats, the smug politicians and their privileged families – privileged to live – look upon when, how many years afterward? they emerged into the landscape of a once green and pleasant land?

And when they walked out into the radiation-glow of endless night would we take the only weapons we had left to us to stab and club and hang those who commited the ultimate crime of laying an entire planet to waste?

In the blood-scented world above the butcher's shop I wrote comics now as well as pulp crime and science fiction.

On the pages of Romeo a young girl ran across a mystic country to meet her boyfriend orbiting overhead in starlit night in his space capsule. Mutating butterflies in a child's garden were a prelude to the changing world of The Pink Peril. Featured in Thomson Leng's Judy was Phillipa's Friend Finny, a porpoise tamed before the bottle nosed stars of television leapt across the screen. The war was fought in the air across Europe, and in the jungles of New Guinea, in Fleetway's Battle Picture series.

Millions of words sweated out, to earn a living, but no market be it pulp or comic-book that wasn't approached with respect.

Working on a comic script I used the carpeted floor of my upstairs flat to lay out roughly sketched pictures which, redrawn by an artist, would illustrate the story. I could shuffle their order, add 'boxes' at top or bottom, scribble in lines of dialogue, put in thought bubbles.

One morning I heard a sound I was attuned to, the clack of the letter box, and I broke off and went to the top of the stairs.

Rejections in their self-addressed manila envelopes lay on the doormat.

I opened the door and watched the postman moving away. We were into summer but a bleak wind was blowing down the street. I closed the door again and went into the kitchen and made a cup of tea.

I thought of my time here, and of the stories I had written. Some, a few, I had thought were special. Lately, I'd sold Foreign Body to New Worlds, the story of a science fiction pulp writer whose acceptance cheques stop arriving. The mag had come with the rejections and I opened it to the contents page, feeling nostalgia at the memories it evoked: of writing my first-ever story for Pocket Man, six years ago, of selling Time of Arrival to New Worlds, and of selling Parky in America.

Good days.

Now – New Worlds was in its seventeenth year of publication. It had been started by writers and fans who invested money and time, and dragged up by its bootstraps by the legendary editor John Carnell to become the front-ranking professional British science fiction magazine.

But the truth was that, like the pulp crime magazines, its days were coming to an end.

You've gotta have luck. Was mine running out?

'58, I rode aboard the men's magazines, learned my trade, comics earned a dollar when a dollar was needed. But now the market for short stories is on the skids.

I put the magazine aside and took up the letter I had left until last. A blue airmail letter from Sharon, the girl I had left behind in the land of Oz. I'd written and told her I was thinking of coming home, that I was near broke, and her reply was measured, and understanding, and held out hope that we might try again. She had her job at the bank, still, and was saving money, and maybe she could help me to keep writing.

And as the wider world closed in on me, I watched the anti-segregation marches in Montgomery Alabama, fire-hoses turned on blacks, kickings and clubbings; Governor George Wallace:

'"– Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever – "

1960's. Freedom and Insanity in the air.

(Read more at David Rome: Pulp Writer!]

[March 18, 1963] The Missing Piece (April 1963 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

by Gideon Marcus

In prior articles, the latest news has headlined and set the stage for the SFnal reviews that followed.  This week, however, the news is all internal, filled with tidbits like




And yet, amongst the turmoil created by Mundac the Destroyer, we manage to continue the Journey — our most prized endeavor.  It helps that we now have a tremendous constellation of volunteer writers, allowing us to return to a every-other-day schedule for the first time in four years.  Still, I must do my part.

And so, amidst preparations for the Young Traveler's birthday party, I carved out time to read the April Fantasy and Science Fiction.  It is the inverse of last month's, which was forgettable or worse — until the last story.  This month's is surprisingly good… except for the last few stories.  A fair exchange, I think…

Fast Trip, by James White

Fritz Leiber recently wrote about how computers will soon be advanced enough to beat the best humans at chess in The 64-Square Madhouse.  Anne McCaffrey has written a tale of human brains cybernetically fused computers to control spaceships (The Ship Who Sang).  Now, returns my favorite SF-writing Ulsterian with his own spin on things.  In Fast Trip, we see what happens in a world where pilots are exclusively trained on their own spaceship, for whom swapping craft is as uncomfortable as swapping right-handed gloves with a fellow half your size… and with two left hands.  A good technical thriller.  Four stars.

Still Shall the Lovers, by Doris Pitkin Buck

A poem on how real stars shall always pale in brilliance to those in new lovers' eyes.  Three stars.

Place of Refuge, by Robert J. Tilley

A quick quality dip as Bristolian Tilley writes of the real world as if it be the nightmare, and vice versa.  Uninspired.  Two stars.

The Short and Happy Death of George Frumkin, by Gertrude Friedberg

A playwright, herself, Friedberg turns her hand to a Moderan-esque tale in which a nonagenarian playwright with an electric heart enjoys a brief flash of youthful energy when he's taken off batteries and plugged into the house line.  It's cute.  Three stars.

The Rigid Vacuum, by Isaac Asimov

There are few compound words I like better than "Luminiferous Ether," and fewer people I'd ask to explain this light-conveying substance than The Good Doctor Asimov.  Four stars for the first half of what looks to be a Two Parter.

Tell Me, Doctor – Please, by Kit Reed

Ms. Reed has recently moved and left no forwarding address, sadly terminating our burgeoning correspondence.  As a result, I have no authorial insight for this tale.  Nevertheless, Doctor is a strange and moving piece on dependence and torture as operatives of an evil state attempt to extract the secret of time travel from a bedridden exile from the future.  Difficult to read, and the ending is a strange Matryoshka that I'm still not sure I understood.  But like so much of Reed's stuff, it grips.  Four stars.

Kindergarten, by Fritz Leiber

A straightforward piece on learning the basic X-Y-Zs in a most unusual (and yet, the most commonplace) of settings.  Four stars.

The Voyage of the "Deborah Pratt", by Miriam Allen deFord

F&SF, more than any other SFF digest, is a haven for ghost stories.  This one, involving a 19th Century brig on the Gold Coast run, makes no great advances in plot.  Ah, but the telling, and the subject matter (far more horrific than the fantastic elements), are superb.  Five stars, and sure to be anthologized many times.

The Old Man of the Mountains, by Terry Carr

Over time, certain names in our genre incite a Pavlovian response in me.  For instance, Sheckley provokes a grin.  Garrett incites nausea.  Carr, a newish writer and long-time Big Name Fan, definitely brings about positive reactions, having now impressed me several times in rapid succession.  This pastoral piece, set in the mountains of Oregon, features the reunion of a country-turned-city boy, and the ornery cuss who knew his uncle many years before.  Like the deFord, the quality is in the telling.  Four stars.

My Son, the Physicist! by Isaac Asimov

Here's an inconsequential short-short from a fellow who has mostly abandoned science fiction.  I understand Asimov got a princely per-word sum for this piece, and it was used to adorn an advertisement for Hoffman Electronics in one of last year's Scientific Americans.  Three stars.

The World Must Never Know, by G. C. Edmondson

I really want to like Edmondson, a fellow San Diegan and one of the few non-Whites who has made it into the ranks of the SFF genre (he's Mexican).  But this latest in the series of stories set South of the Border, guest-starring a Mestizo who met an extraterrestrial policeman (to the former's profit, and the latter's dismay), is just too affected.  Two stars.

The Histronaut, by Paul Seabury

I didn't think I'd ever meet a time travel/alternate history story I didn't like, but Seabury managed to produce one.  One page of story preceded by many pages of dithering and nonsense.  And that single page isn't worth the wait.  One star.

Not Counting Bridges, by Robert L. Fish

Finally, a piece on the growing footprint of space devoted to the transit, maintenance, and storage of motor vehicles.  Two stars, careening toward one had it been longer than two pages.

That's a pretty sour note to leave a magazine that still scored a decent 3.2 stars on the Galacto-Meter.  If you stop before the Edmonson, I think you'll find your time thoroughly rewarded.

Speaking of which, I'm now off to jump on the giant trampoline we rented for the birthday party.  If I spot any X-15s on the way down, I'll be sure to snap a photo…

[March 16, 1963] Red Comes Knocking (The Day Mars Invaded Earth)

[P.S. If you registered for WorldCon this year, the deadline to vote is tonight! Please consider nominating Galactic Journey for the "Best Fanzine" Hugo. ]

by Lorelei Marcus

The idea that there might be life on Mars has been around for a while now. When I say the word "Martian" most people automatically picture a little green alien with a big, bulbous head. However, this vision is merely a fictional caricature of an alien — we know it's not real. But what if there is life on Mars? Perhaps these Martians are beyond what we can imagine visually, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. For all we know, mars could be populated with vast civilizations. On top of that, if there is life on Mars, then how would they react to us humans? Well, luckily, all of these questions have been answered, not by a scientist, but by the newest movie to hit the box office: The Day Mars Invaded Earth.

Going into this movie, neither me or my father had very high hopes, though we figured as long as the movie didn't literally have 'bottom' in the title, we were probably going to be okay (q.v. Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea). Luckily, this movie exceeded our expectations, and we were pleasantly surprised with a thrilling horror-esque mystery. As my dad exclaimed at one point in the film, it was almost like a long Twilight Zone episode.

Our film begins with a shot of a small rover exploring Mars. However, something goes wrong, and the rover catches fire and explodes. Then we are introduced to our main character, Dr. Fielding, the lead scientist on the Mars exploration project. After the stress of the recent rover failure, he decides to go home and visit his family. The house the family was living in at the time was a massive mansion estate, adding to the almost ghost-story feel of the movie. As the movie goes forward, Dr. Fielding and his family quickly start realizing something is wrong. People aren't acting like themselves, they're appearing in two places at once, and there's even a strange accidental death. It isn't long before the Doctor realizes this is all the work of invaders from Mars assuming the forms of other humans, and devises a plan to try and defeat the aliens to save himself and his family.

Martians scan the brain of Dr. Fielding…or a bug ran into the camera

The Day Mars Invaded Earth delivers a very tense (if not exactly taut) and suspenseful mystery with an unexpected twist at the end. The cinematography was excellent, very dynamic. It was particularly neat to see how they managed the special effects when a character and their duplicate were both on screen (accomplished with split screen and body doubles). The acting was also great, very emotional. The story was thrilling and complex, keeping you on the edge of your seat until the very end. I think some may be disappointed by the ending, because it is unexpected, and certainly not "Hollywood," but I think it adds to the movie. It's a movie that gives you a lot to think about, long after the movie is over, quite similar to Panic in Year Zero.

This movie was very enjoyable to watch. Both an intriguing mystery and intense story helped it become an incredibly satisfying film. I give The Day Mars Invaded Earth 4 out of 5 stars. This movie perhaps isn't for everyone, but I felt it told the story it was trying to tell very well. If you are a fan of horror, sci-fi, or mystery, I recommend this movie.

This is the Young Traveler, signing off.

by Gideon Marcus

I think the Young Traveler has done a fine job catching the feel and broad strokes of the film.  I just wanted to add a little commentary.  The opening of The Day Mars Invaded Earth sets a tone of verisimilitude with its reasonably accurate visual and verbal space vocabulary.  The probe that goes to Mars is a Mariner, presumably of the same series as Mariner 2, which just flew past Venus.  There is a model of the spacecraft in Dr. Fielding's office, and it is a Block 2 Ranger, the kind designed to hit the Moon and deposit a scientific package. 

Just as the Block 1 Mariner was adapted for the Venus flight, it makes sense that a Block 2 would be used to go to Mars.  I don't think that's what's actually planned, but for a movie made last year, it was an excellent guess.  It is also launched with an Atlas — also accurate.  An Atlas-Agena launched Mariner 2.

On to the movie, itself, The Day Mars Invaded Earth impresses because it takes the time to develop its characters.  We get to know the Fieldings and understand the strain his job has put on their marriage.  I also appreciated that the Fieldings talk to each other, communicating the strange apparitions they've seen, believing one another, and using the knowledge to very quickly deduce what's happening to them. 

While Director/Producer Maury Dexter, a newish face at schlock-house American International Pictures, clearly didn't have much of a budget to work with, nevertheless, his direction and the cinematography keep the movie from looking cheap.  The beautiful estate on which the bulk of the film is shot doesn't hurt, either.  It helps that stars Kent Taylor and Marie Windsor are veterans (even if they tend to avoid the A-flicks).  Their performances never induce the cringes I'd expected walking into the theater.

In the end, The Day Mars Invaded Earth delivers far more ghost story than sf flick, and you certainly won't see rubber suited Mars-mooks.  Nevertheless, it does make for a decent 69 minutes of entertainment, which is a lot more than I was expecting.  Three stars.

[March 14, 1963] Rising Stars and Unseen Enemies (Reginald Le Borg's Diary of a Madman)

by Rosemary Benton

It feels as though, no sooner had the curtain fell and the lights came up on February's horror/fantasy gem, The Raven, that the film reel snapped to life with another genre-crossing macabre film. While last month's movie was a light, dry and sardonic comedy with a vaguely medieval setting and a cast of horror movie icons, Diary of a Madman, steps forward with a much more sobering aesthetic.

In my efforts to reengage with modern science fiction after a long break, Diary of a Madman, a loose reimagining of the 1887 horror/science-fiction short story by French author Guy de Maupassant entitled“The Horla," is a fitting film to follow last month's choice. 

Producer and screenplay writer, Robert Kent, starts the movie off with a view of a crowded cemetery during a Catholic funeral. The recently deceased body of Vincent Price's character, Magistrate Simon Cordier, is blessed and then lowered into the ground. Given the faces and impatience of the guests, the audience can surmise that there was a lot of unfinished business left following Cordier's passing.

At the behest of Cordier prior to his premature death, his private diary is read aloud before a small group of funeral attendees immediately after the graveside ceremony. From here the origin of Cordier's madness at the hands of an invisible being named the Horla is made known. Ultimately Cordier implores the audience of his faithful servants, colleagues and friends to heed his death as a warning, and to act now to learn more and defend against other such beings that may exist out there in the wider world.

It is completely understandable why Robert Kent needed to take liberal creative license with the story of Cordier and the Horla that held his mind captive. Within the original 1887 short story, there is very little dialogue or many coherent lengthy scenes which could be considered prime material for a theatrical performance. Often, Guy de Maupassant allows his protagonist to go on at length, as one would in a diary, about tangential thoughts, theories and philosophies. It's interesting and works beautifully as a train-of-thought discourse regarding the protagonist's fear of going insane.

But where Guy de Maupassant can go on for pages about the building fear felt in the physical manifestations of the Horla's power, Vincent Price must convey the same screaming terror in a few seconds with looks and posture alone. It's reasonable, therefore, that a more fleshed out story would have to be developed in place of the internal monologues of a seemingly schedule-less upperclass gentleman going about his daily life on his estate. Enter the married model whose bust Cordier sculpts, the jealous husband of said model, the threat of public scandal should the magistrate run off with such a lower class woman, and on top of all this, the masterminding, murderous, shapeless entity determined to use Cordier for some unknown, evil end. 

The casting of the ever popular Vincent Price as the lead makes sense in terms of marketing, but I have to unfortunately pan his acting in this movie. Price has been incredibly prolific recently, starring in eleven movies between 1960's House of Usher and this, the year's second Price film. He's cultivated an image that works very well with classy Victorian gentlemen in horror melodramas, and odd, but charming characters in action movies. However, the role of Simon Cordier would have been much better suited to an actor with… dare I say… more range.

The heart and intensity of Guy de Maupassant's protagonist lie in the whiplash emotions that crack back and forth in his mind. He is written as a highly emotive character who is often taken aback at the inexplicable things he is being forced to feel due to the influence of the Horla. When one looks at the face of Vincent Price during scenes such as the floating rose or the breaking of the Horla's spell upon the sight of a cross, you see concern, confusion and shock, but not the true, deep down, freezing cold animal fear that Guy de Maupassant describes.

Thankfully there is a saving talent in the form of the lovely Nancy Kovack. Where Price falls short in the expression of an emotionally manipulated person, Kovack shines bright as a character who is a skillful, emotive manipulator. The real reason to become invested in the plot of Diary of a Madman has to be, hands down, Kovack's character, Odette Mallotte DuClasse. With her wide range of expressions and a deeply personal performance, Kovack gives Odette a painful and human background. A character that would be otherwise cookie-cutter cliché came to life via her acting talent.

Where other actresses would play Odette simply as a two timing gold digger, Kovack gives her an evolution that leads up to her resigned, angry admission of marrying Magistrate Cordier for his money. First, she in entrepreneurial in selling her services as a model within an art gallery displaying paintings for which she has sat. Then, she is knowledgable about portraiture and offers suggestions for how Cordier could sculpt her. She is a confident negotiator who pushes Cordier hard to continue employing her as a model for future projects. For the money she could bring into her starving-artist household she is flirtatiously willing to entertain the proposition of being a companion to Cordier, but it is the scene wherein Cordier proposes marriage that Kovack reveals her character's complexity. Within half a second, and with at least three versions of surprise and uncertainty, Kovack shows shock rather than devious glee at the offer. She quickly recovers and hides her disbelief, but for disbelief to be there in the first part is due undoubtedly to Kovack's full understanding of her character's situation.

All in all, I have to give Robert Kent credit for the interesting story of love and murder that he merges with a select few scenes from the original Guy de Maupassant story. Under the direction of Universal Studios veteran Reginald Le Borg I believe that each actor played to their strengths in Diary of a Madman, although some shone more brightly others. If one is already familiar with “The Horla," I believe they will be more amused than joyous at the adaptation. But given the unique source material I would recommend that anyone should give Diary of a Madman a chance. You may not leave as terrified of the unknown as you would have been reading “The Horla," but at least you can enjoy the performance of Nancy Kovack. In summation I would give Diary of a Madman a lukewarm three and a half stars out of five.

[P.S. If you registered for WorldCon this year, please consider nominating Galactic Journey for the "Best Fanzine" Hugo.  Your ballot should have arrived by now…]

[March 12, 1963] TOO MUCH TO ASK? (the April 1963 Amazing)

by John Boston

So: another not-very-good issue, this April Amazing, where the outstanding item is a piece of well-turned yard goods.  So what’s the reasonable expectation here?  Let’s not be too greedy.  How about at least something in each issue that’s unusually good, and nothing that’s unusually stupid?  Is that too much to ask?  Seems like it is, certainly this month.

“It didn’t happen twice a year that Gustavus Robert Fry, Chief Commissioner of the Interstellar Police Authority, allotted more than an hour in his working day to any one appointment.” That’s the opening line of James H. Schmitz’s Beacon to Elsewhere.  Am I the only one who’s gotten tired of stories that begin by announcing what a big shot—interstellar police commissioner, President, Galactic Coordinator, or what have you—one of the characters is? 

Transitory irritations aside, Beacon to Elsewhere—at 64 pages labelled a “novel”—is a reasonably agreeable piece of hokum, involving the discovery of a new series of elements, compounded into Ymir 400, which has many interesting and dangerous properties including emitting a new sort of radiation.  Two 34-kilogram cases of Ym-400 have been stolen from a space ship in transit.  The story starts with 10 pages of talk, with Howard Camhorn, the Overgovernment’s Coordinator of Research, explaining all of this and more to Chief Commissioner Fry.  This is followed by about 45 pages of the gumshoeing adventures of the more plebeian Lieutenant Frank Dowland, on the case in western North America, investigating the activities of some subversive ranchers who may be trying to use the stolen Ym-400 and may or may not be achieving time travel. 

Some large and daunting aliens make cameo appearances, their gravitas unfortunately impaired by the cover depiction which makes one of them look a bit like an oversized Shmoo (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shmoo).  And the story fades out with another nine pages of talk, first Dowland’s debriefing, and then Camhorn and one of his guys talking about the debriefing.  And here is Schmitz’s unusual talent: he renders all this talk in such genial and readable style that he gets away with a way of constructing stories that would get anybody else a quick rejection letter.  I described the last Schmitz story in this magazine as “just capably rearranging the usual SF furniture”; that will do for this one too.  Three stars.

Schmitz’s competent piece of product is accompanied by a suite of fairly lackluster, or worse, short stories.  Roger Zelazny’s Circe Has Her Problems is not metaphorical; Circe has set up shop on a stray asteroid floating loose in interstellar space, hoping for some male company that can withstand her signature talent of turning them into animals.  An android shows up.  It’s as cartoony as it sounds.  Two stars, fewer in the hands of a less lively writer.  Now that Zelazny has broken in, are we getting his earlier practice pieces?

In David Bunch’s Somebody Up There Hates Us, an alien walks into a bar (actually, a night club on New Year’s Eve—and it walks into all of them at the same time, by the clock anyway) and hands out little wish-fulfillment devices, asking only that the patrons wait until midnight to operate them.  Things are not of course what they seem, and humanity (most of it anyway) is saved only because the bartenders are robots and we have time zones.  There is a smattering of ostentatious futuristic jargon (the protagonist is drinking an old fashioned space squeezings) in what is said to be 1972, but otherwise the writing is fairly mundane, unlike Bunch’s Moderan stories, which at least have the virtue of surface novelty.  There is a recurring theme of the mutual dislike between the protagonist and his wife, which is apparently supposed to be funny but is distasteful.  One star.

J.F. Bone’s For Service Rendered is a deal-with-the-Devil story, the Devil having come through Enid Twilley’s malfunctioning TV set, no pentagram needed.  He doesn’t want her soul, he wants her body, and he’s offering to cure the pancreatic cancer she didn’t know she had and give her another ten years or so free before whisking her off to Hel (sic), which he wants her to know isn’t half as bad as it’s cracked up to be.  This is all laid out in reasonably amusing detail, and then concludes in a stupid male-chauvinistic joke.  Another one-star job.

Harrison Denmark’s [a pseudonym if I've ever seen one…(Ed.)] The Stainless Steel Leech is about a werebot, who’s gotten free from Central Control but, to live (so to speak), needs to get his batteries charged by draining other robots, so he’s also a vampbot (my term, not the author’s) and an object of terror among the other robots (humans having disappeared from the scene).  This mildly clever joke is less annoying than but somewhat similar in tone to Circe Has Her Problems, not too surprisingly since rumor has it that Mr. Denmark is actually Zelazny.  Two stars, clutching futilely for a third.

Frank Tinsley is back after a six months’ absence with The Cosmic Wrecker, a more fanciful exercise than his usual; nobody else seems to be proposing a specialized vehicle to tool around and collect all the burnt-out and abandoned satellites and other assorted hardware we’re going to be leaving in near space.  It’s the usual slightly humdrum rendition, but three stars for originality, never mind that SF writers have been there before—see James White’s Deadly Litter, in New Worlds not long ago (US and UK editions).

And Sam Moskowitz, this time, profiles Lester del Rey, with the usual intense focus on his earliest work, and very spotty coverage of his post-1950 work.  (It’s not just me.  One of the readers’ letters this months calls Moskowitz out for “the manner in which they progress in pertinent detail up to about the mid and late ‘forties and then hastily run a bee-line to the nearby closing sentences.  There is hardly any mention of the author’s latter-day achievements.”)

There’s also a concluding psychological diagnosis that seems incoherent and nonsensical to me.  Del Rey has “never learned the lesson of self-discipline”—a guy who has maintained a very high level of free-lance professional productivity of several kinds for the last decade-plus.  Or: “His facade of toughness would seem to be fabricated more to maintain his own self-estimation than as a defense against the world.  Nevertheless its manifestation in his writing represents a psychological conflict that dams up the release of a reservoir of compassion.”

Huh?  What’s he talking about?  Del Rey has always seemed to me one of SF’s more compassionate writers; take a look at the stories in his Ballantine collection of a few years ago, Robots and Changelings.  Moskowitz seems almost laughably off base here, though as usual there’s interesting biographical information here that you won’t find elsewhere (but adding it all up I’m not sure how much of it to believe).  Anyway, two stars.

So, another waste of time for the most part.  Is there hope?  Maybe.  They are touting Leigh Brackett for next month.  If we’re lucky, she’s still better than her husband (fellow SFF-writer Edmond Hamilton).

[P.S. If you registered for WorldCon this year, please consider nominating Galactic Journey for the "Best Fanzine" Hugo.  Your ballot should have arrived by now…]

[March 10, 1963] The Twilight Zone, Season 4, Episodes 5-8

[We have a special treat for you, today. One of the Journey's long-time followers has prepared a review of the latest episodes of The Twilight Zone. Natalie describes herself as having "devoted her life to finding the best and the worst popular culture has to offer. Areas of expertise include music, movies and television." I hope you enjoy her words as much as I did…and perhaps we can convince her to return?]

by Natalie Devitt

As you know by now, The Twilight Zone is no longer the most consistently good show. Episodes have been varying dramatically in terms of quality. The longer episodes this season have not helped matters. Some episodes seem padded to add time to stretch to the full hour, while others would probably work better as feature length films. That was certainly the case with some of the episodes this past month, but the episodes were not without moments of brilliance.

Mute, by Richard Matheson

Mute is the story of a young girl named Ilse, who is used as a test subject by her parents. Her parents are members of an organization that studies telepathy. Even though Ilse is perfectly capable of learning how to speak, as part of a deal with other members of the organization, her parents raise her to communicate using only telepathy and document the results for other members of their organization.

Sadly, her parents never seem to consider what would happen to Ilse if they were no longer able to care for her. So, when the family’s home suddenly burns down one night, killing both of her mother and her father, Ilse is left without the means to communicate with those around her. Luckily, the local sheriff and his wife offer her a place to stay, while they try to contact her next of kin. In the meantime, they enroll her in school, assuming that the school would teach her everything thing she needs to know in order to assimilate.

I hate to admit that after last season’s Little Girl Lost, I expected a higher caliber of work from screenwriter Richard Matheson. This episode does not seem to work as an hour long story. What could be an interesting episode about the pressure to conform or adults not always knowing what is best for children, turns into an episode that fails to leave any lasting impression.

That said, Ann Jullian, who you may remember in Babes in Toyland and Gypsy, does a fine job as Ilse. In addition, the camera work with its frequent tilts and pans, effectively conveys Ilse’s feelings of being disoriented as she transitions from having lived in silence to being thrown into a world of filled sound. The episode deserves two and a half stars.

Death Ship, by Richard Matheson

This episode gives a glimpse into the future. In the year 1997, Earth is overpopulated, so humans are in need of a new planet to colonize. A crew aboard a spaceship set out on an expedition in hopes of finding one. Once they finally land on a planet that they think has potential, they find a spaceship that bears a striking resemblance to their own. After assessing the situation, they enter the spaceship only to find a crew that looks just like them — except for one thing, the men in the spaceship are dead. The living crew struggle to find an explanation for how the ship and their deceased doppelgangers ended up on the planet, and how they can avoid meeting a similar fate.

This episode stars Jack Klugman and Ross Martin, and is a pretty consistently good episode. It can be at times fairly predictable. My biggest complaint is that a number of the sets have clearly been reused in order to cut costs. Even though the episode did not offer anything new visually, I still give it three stars.

Jess-Bell, by Earl Hammer Jr.

There is something special about Jess-Belle, a tale of obsession that aired just in time for Valentine’s Day. This episode takes place in the not too distant past of the Appalachian Mountains. The title character in the episode is played by an unrecognizable Anne Francis, best known for her work as Altaira in Forbidden Planet. This time the usually blonde actress is sporting a black wig and playing a desperate young woman, who enlists the help of a local witch, referred to as Granny Hart, to win back a former lover by the name of Billy Ben. Billy Ben is played by Western regular James Best. Not surprisingly, trouble ensues.

Anytime a blonde actress wears a dark wig and flirts with the dark side, you know what you are watching is bound to be entertaining, even if it is not in the way originally intended. To its credit, though, Jess-Belle manages to be very effective with its strong performances and haunting atmosphere, despite most of its characters being hillbilly stereotypes. I could not get this episode out of my head for days, so for that reason I give it four stars.

Miniature, by Charles Beaumont

This episode is about a character named Charley, who is played brilliantly by Robert Duvall. He is in his thirties and still lives at home with his controlling mother. He struggles to hold down a job or find a mate.

One day on a trip to the museum he finds the excitement he craves in the most unlikely of places, inside a dollhouse. The only problem is that nobody else seems to realize that a beautiful doll in the museum dollhouse is alive. Most of the story revolves around his overbearing mother and well-meaning sister trying to help him meet all of the markers of an ordinary adult life. The more his family members try to help him out of his state of arrested development, the more Charley escapes into fantasies of a love affair with the doll.

The years Robert Duvall spent honing his acting skills in the theatre world have finally paid off, because I cannot praise him enough for his work in this episode. Sometimes when actors transition from theater to television, they can be overly dramatic, because they are used to playing to the back of the house. That is certainly not the case with Robert Duvall‘s subtle performance in Miniature.

Charley, if played by a less skilled actor could seem pathetic, because he is almost unbelievably passive at work and at home. Also, his imaginary relationship with the doll could have come across as being creepy in the wrong hands. Robert’s approach to the character, makes the episode incredibly touching, even to viewers who may not relate to Charley. The acting alone earns the episode a solid three stars.

The most recent episodes certainly had their flaws, but I still found them enjoyable to watch. I am curious to see what the rest of the season has to offer.

[March 8, 1963] Pan-Galactic Union? (April 1963 Galaxy)

[While you're reading this article, why not tune in to KGJ, Radio Galactic Journey, playing all the current hits: pop, rock, soul, folk, jazz, country — it's the tops, pops…]

by Gideon Marcus

Seven years ago, Egypt's Gamal Nasser, ascendant member of the junta that deposed the constitutional monarchy in '52, ululated his way across the Sinai tilting at the Israeli windmill.  At stake was more than the nationalization of the Suez Canal or the subjugation of the Jewish State.  Nasser's dream has always been a Pan-Arab Union, bringing the Arabs of North Africa and the Middle East under one flag (preferably his), and though Egypt's sword was blunted in that Arab-Israeli war, nevertheless, it was a rallying cry to achieve his dream.

The closest Nasser got was in 1958, when he bound his country and Syria in the hopefully titled "United Arab Republic." There were high hopes that Iraq would also join in.  But the 1961 coup in Syria reduced the U.A.R. to the boundaries of the nation formerly known as Egypt. 

Nevertheless, the dream lives on and may yet achieve reality.  Egypt backed a coup in Yemen in 1962.  Then, there was the recent Ba'athist coup in Iraq, rumored to have been assisted covertly by the United States.  A similar event is underway as we speak in Syria (Egypt and Yemen have already voiced their full support).  The Iraqi government is now talking about joining the U.A.R.  And so, the Arab Union that features so prominently in Mack Reynold's "Black Africa" series may soon come to fruition.

I can't help but wonder if science fiction writer and editor Fred Pohl is taking a page from Nasser's book.  As of last month, Pohl now helms three science fiction magazines, Galaxy, IF, and Worlds of Tomorrow, an empire of pages rivaled only by the twin magazines, Fantastic and Amazing, under the dominion of editor Cele Goldsmith.  Will an SF Cold War break out?  Perhaps a Personal Union like what happened under James I/VI of Great Britain?  Either way, the fallout of Pohl's ambitions, unlike those of the Egyptian leader, can only be for the good of humanity.  One need only look at the most recent issue of Galaxy for proof.

The Visitor at the Zoo, by Damon Knight

The first half of the magazine is taken up with a single novella set in the early 21st Century.  A sentient alien from Brecht's World, a spiky biped, is brought to the Berlin Zoo to mate with another of its race.  But when the creature swaps bodies with a young journalist, both of the resulting entities must learn to make the best of their situation.

Author Damon Knight has recently spent much more time editing, critiquing, and translating works from French authors than producing his own work.  Visitor marks his first original story in quite a while.  Knight manages to give the work just a trace of awkwardness, capturing the feel of a translated piece.  At first, it reads like a farce, some Teutonic trifle from the pen of a decent German talent.  But Visitor is really a story about what it means to be human, the indignity (and arbitrariness) of being designated a sub-human, and the general indifference of most people to these issues.  Effective satire and enjoyable (most of the time — some bits are hard to take) reading.  Four stars.

The Lonely Man, by Theodore L. Thomas

Is the value of a colony its ability produce goods that can't be made at home?  Or is the act of colonization itself a worthy pursuit?  Thomas draws a fine portrait of a reticent genius, an engineer whose mind is a wellspring of inventions that require other worlds as sites of manufacture.  But said engineer's motivation is extraterrestrial sojourn — the benefit to humanity is secondary.  Four stars for this well-drawn piece.

My Lady Selene, by Magnus Ludens

Back in 1957, Isaac Asimov wrote a story about the Moon, and what mysteries might be dispelled once we got there.  The Good Doctor's take on it was strictly for laughs, and since the flight of Luna 3, also outdated. 

Ludens' tale is a more serious but no less whimsical variation on the theme — what will we find when we get there?  Selene is a tale of the first human on the Moon, and how he does his level best to preserve the spirit of wonder associated with our planet's companion.  Nicely done, perhaps a tad overwrought.  Three stars.

For Your Information: The Great Siberian Space Craze, by Willy Ley

Galaxy's columnist (goodness — almost 13 years already!) has a good article on the Siberian Tunguska blast of 1908 and its likely origins.  It's an interesting look at science behind the Iron Curtain, and the first good explanation I've read as to why the object that decimated dozens of square miles of forest couldn't have been a spaceship.  Four stars.

On the Fourth Planet, by J. F. Bone

Veterinarian and veteran author Jesse Bone gives us this fascinating tale of the fateful first contact between the pseudopodian Martians and the metallic Terrans.  Plausible, thoughtful, even beautiful.  I won't spoil more (though Finlay's lovely art spoils plenty).  Five stars.

Voyage to Far N'jurd, by Kris Neville

Lastly, we have the latest from Kris Neville, a fellow who sometimes turns out good stuff, but more reliably turns out bad stuff.  N'jurd is in the latter category.  While the words Neville wrote are certainly in English, they are not strung together in a way that makes a coherent story — certainly not an enjoyable one.  Something about a colony ship and the traditions that grow after many generations of travel.  Maybe.  Again, it's ersatz English.  One star.

Despite the disappointing finish, this month's Galaxy was otherwise fine and quick reading.  And at half-again as large as any other magazine on the market, it makes a fine core for Pohl's burgeoning Empire of prose.  Lecturi te salutant!

[P.S. If you registered for WorldCon this year, please consider nominating Galactic Journey for the "Best Fanzine" Hugo.  Your ballot should have arrived by now…]

[March 6, 1963] Generation Gap (Ace Double F-177)

[While you're reading this article, why not tune in to KGJ, Radio Galactic Journey, playing all the current hits: pop, rock, soul, folk, jazz, country — it's the utmost…]

by Gideon Marcus

It was only a few years ago that Drs. Watson and Crick discovered DNA, that magical double-helix of protein molecules that are the blueprints for our genetics.  Now we know that our biology is coded, like so many punch cards, and that's why people are people, puppies are puppies, amebae are amebae.  An embryo with human DNA cannot grow up to be a horse.  A bear-coded blastula won't transform in utero into a giraffe.

There is a coding that runs almost as deeply as that in our chromosomes.  It derives from the society in which we are raised and the circumstances under which we grew.  Thus, a Dixiecrat is not wont to clamor for Civil Rights, and no one in my family is likely to abandon shul for Mass. 

Science fiction authors have their own genetic code.  While writers can be more flexible than politicians or religionists, they nevertheless tend to remain of a type, composing in a style forged early in their career by the prevailing trends and markets at the time. 

As evidence of this, I submit to you two short novels by a pair of authors whose output couldn't be more different despite appearing bound together within the pages of the recent Ace Double, #F-177. 

The Star Wasps, by Robert Moore Williams

The world of the 21st Century is a tidy, orderly place.  Free will is an illusion.  People live for their jobs and medicate for their moods.  Commerce and society hum along smoothly under the control of one Erasmus Glock, a shadowy figure whose hold on the strings of power is absolute. 

There is a fly in the ointment, however — John Derek is a man who would set society free.  With his base on the Moon, a cadre of die-hard loyalists, and his little glass spheres that instill a yearning for freedom, he is poised to lead a revolution.

Unfortunately, the ointment also has a wasp in the form of an invasion of interstellar killers called "the viral."  Incorporeal blue creatures, invisible to most humans, have been inadvertently teleported to our planet by the well-meaning scientist, Dr. Cotter.  These shimmering aurorae bring death to anyone they touch, and their numbers grow by the day.  This plague threatens both the stultifying profiteering of Glock and the freedom-fighting agenda of Derek.  Glock and Derek must work together, along with Cotter and Derek's new recruit, Jennie Fargo, to defeat the alien foe.

Robert Moore Williams was first published in the pre-Campbell days of Analog.  He has since written more than a hundred stories for a variety of magazines, but his DNA was baked in the Golden Age of science fiction.  The future world of The Star Wasps is an archaic, mechanistic one.  Society simplistically hinges on the activities of a half-dozen people.  There is a Resilient Woman Character whose primary role is to be the Love Interest.  After the intriguing set-up, Wasps degenerates into a figurative car chase, with people running around and pulling levers until the enemy is defeated.

Also, Williams writes like he's still getting a penny a word, writing in a redundant manner that only gets worse as the story drags.  Gems like:

As Jennie watched, with terror tightening the band around the bottom of her heart, the circle changed and became a ball of tiny dancing blue lights.

Under other circumstances, she would have thought the lights and the changing form and the color were beautiful. 

Now she knew they were death.

Was death beautiful?  Not to her.  She wanted life.

The Coelacanth fish, thought to be long-extinct until a specimen was hauled out of the Indian Ocean in 1938, is what's known as "a living fossil."  The Star Wasps is a similar relic from a time long passed.  I'd throw it back.  Two stars.

Warlord of Kor, by Terry Carr

The flip-side of F-177 is an entirely different matter.  Terry Carr is a new writer, as well as a Big Name in the fan community.  He is one of a new wave of authors steeped in the more nuanced works of the Digest Era of science fiction that began in 1949. 

Kor is set on a dusty world at the edge of Terran settlement, the site of humanity's first encounter with living sentient aliens.  The Hirlaji are a dying race of telepathic saurians, their once burgeoning culture reduced to a mere handful of aged specimens due to an unknown catalytic event thousands of years prior. 

Lee Rynason is the archaeologist tasked to discover the mystery of this societal sea change.  Why did the shift happen so abruptly?  Why is Horng, possessor of the Hirlaji's race memory, so reluctant to divulge this secret? 

Rynason's efforts are hampered by the ambitions of his superior, Rice Manning.  Manning has designs on the governorship of the planet and is willing to scapegoat the Hirlaji as a threat to do so — especially when it appears that the aged reptiles might somehow be related to The Outsiders, a long-vanished alien civilization that left its traces throughout the galaxy. 

Sketched in thumbnail, I suppose the plot of Warlord of Kor doesn't sound much better than that of The Star Wasps.  The lurid title doesn't help either (Ace loves its lurid titles).  But Kor is no pulpy tale.  It is the sensitive story of first contact, of discovery, of racial understanding, and of morality — of a piece with Bone's The Lani People and Piper's Little Fuzzy in illustrating the worth and importance of other, different cultures.

Plus, the characters are beautifully drawn with a spare efficiency that Williams would have done well to emulate.  In 97 pages, we learn far more about Rynason and Manning, as well as the other pivotal characters — the quietly strong colony quartermaster Mara Stephens, and the cynical heretic Rene Malhomme — than we do about William's characters in 126 pages.  It doesn't hurt that Kor has a very satisfying ending. 

If there's any drawback to Kor, it's that Rynason and Stephens seem a little slow on the uptake.  I was always a step or two ahead of them in solving the mystery, even when they had access to the same clues as the reader.  That's a small quibble, though.  Warlord of Kor is an excellent, quick read, and it's worth the 40 cent book price all by itself.  Four stars.

Speaking of collections of old and new, this month's Galaxy is a collection of stories by veterans and novices alike.  Come see how this amalgam of generations fares in the Journey's next article.  Stay tuned!

[P.S. If you registered for WorldCon this year, please consider nominating Galactic Journey for the "Best Fanzine" Hugo.  Your ballot should have arrived by now…]

[March 4, 1963] Smart and Scientific (March 1963 National Comics Roundup)

[While you're reading this article, why not tune in to KGJ, Radio Galactic Journey, playing all the current hits: pop, rock, soul, folk, jazz, country — it's the tops, pops…]

by Jason Sacks

I like and admire the work of our dear friend, the Traveler. His insights into science fiction are outstanding (he’s turned me on to some of my favorite writers, including the delightful Keith Laumer) and his passions are infectious.

But last month, dear Mr. Marcus published an article so dunderheaded, so wrong in its conclusions, that it read like an essay by Dobie Gillis rather than from a mature and well-read adult. I’m astounded Mr. Marcus actually professed that the output of mediocre Marvel Comics was “compelling”, “on the crest of a wave”, and reaching a “fever pitch.”

Yes, these comics induce a fever, but to me it’s a fever much like the onset of polio.

With rare exceptions, I’ve always found Marvel Comics to be poorly drawn and poorly plotted, lacking the discipline of good science fiction and frequently breaking the most important rule of good science fiction; namely, getting the science right. Marvel insults their readers’ intelligence continually, especially in their origin stories. Having origin stories based on such amorphous, deus ex machina ideas as cosmic rays, gamma bombs, and the pièce de résistance, a radioactive spider, Marvel (particularly head writer Stan Lee) present a world in which science is treated as a trump card overriding all rationality. Beyond that, the art in Marvel Comics is clumsy and amateurish compared to the work appearing in both DC and Archie Adventure titles. That awkwardness is no surprise because Jack Kirby illustrates many of those titles. Kirby’s rough and tumble style may have worked in the 1940s and ‘50s, but he’s clearly behind the times in the ‘60s. He’s lucky to have found work at one of the worst publishing houses in America. It’s hard to imagine that style having much influence on future generations of comic fans, unless he tamps down the grandiosity and operatic emotions he portrays.

Characters like the bickering Fantastic Four, the brutish Hulk and the neurotic Spiderman are no heroes, not in the sense of the great men we look up to on television and the movies. They are not role models, men about whom to be inspired. Instead they are insipid antiheroic leads, out of touch with the mood of the 1960s. That may appeal to the Beats and poets, but Alan Ginsburg ain’t reading comic books.

Marcus can champion these characters all he likes, but mark my words, by 1969, Marvel Comics will be a mere footnote in comics history while the great heroes at National Comics thrive.

As I mentioned in my last essay for this journal, the costumed characters edited by Julius Schwartz at National embody all that is right and true about valor in American comic books. In Green Lantern, The Flash and the delightful “Adam Strange” in Mystery in Space, Schwartz and his team combine true heroism with real facts, giving Stan Lee and his staff of amateurs a lesson in professionalism, science and bravery.

Take the March's Flash, issue #135, as an example. The story in this issue is a disciplined, scientifically-based yarn in which The Flash and Kid Flash beat back an invasion from Korydon, “the sixteenth dimension of the cosmos.” The exciting tale begins with Kid Flash hearing a message from a beautiful (and stylishly coiffed) woman from another planet because his cellular frequency is set to her wavelength. The woman reports that her enemies have selected Earth as their next invasion location. Thankfully she is able to intercept Kid Flash and send this message. Even more thankfully, the Science Institute calls on The Flash to track down the mystery behind several strange weapons sent to Earth as part of the invasion.

What follows as part of the generous 26-page action tale is a delightful hodgepodge of science, story and super fun. We witness the power of mind over matter transforming Kid Flash’s costume, watch a super-scanner work like a color TV into another dimension (I wish I could persuade my parents to buy a color TV, whether or not it sees into another dimension!), and watch a revolution overthrow the warriors for another dimension.

Every month, editor Schwartz and artist Infantino join with their uncredited writer (or writers) to deliver stories that could come directly from the pulps, thrilling tales that tempt with action and delight with scientific fact – as in the editor’s note that mentions that “even paper can penetrate an oak tree if driven fast enough by a tornado!” Their heroes are steadfast and emotionally strong. They don’t bicker. They do what is necessary to win their wars.

Best of all, unlike the rough and tumble Jack Kirby style, “Secret of the Three Super Weapons” contains gorgeous clean line art by an artist I recognize as Carmine Infantino. Unlike Kirby’s rough designs, Infantino delivers sleek and smooth depictions of his characters. The Flash and his protégé are not muscle-bound monsters. Instead they are slick speedsters whose lean bodies carry them at superhuman speeds.

Mr. Infantino also delivers the lead “Adam Strange” story in Mystery in Space #82 (also the March issue) and again Mr. Infantino delivers his distinctively impeccable artwork to this take of a terrifying space threat that could destroy both Strange’s home planet Earth and his adoptive planet Rann.

In fact, “World War on Earth and Rann” opens with a scene that could come from those ugly creators at Marvel Comics and shows the difference between the two companies. Natives of backwards city-states of Rann are protesting Adam Strange’s presence on their planet, claiming that threats only began when he landed on their planet. Though these scenes are reminiscent of ugly moments in Marvel’s frightfully frustrating Fantastic Four series, this scene comes across as an elegant bit of real-world charm. Adam’s beautiful and beloved Alanna quickly tells Adam to move on from the complaint, so the couple can spend a romantic week together.

And so they do. After a ceremonial event, in which Adam is gifted a radiation detector, we get a tour of Rann, from its beautiful landscapes to a wonderful hunt to an amazing lunch in the ice caves of a tropical region of the planet. These sorts of charming travelogues would never appear in a Marvel Comic. They’re a delightful moment of characterization and world-building that allow the reader to breathe before the action starts in earnest.

That action starts during the lunch, as the ice caves become under threat from a giant flying lens. We witness Adam and Alanna flying and fighting the lens as equal partners (no sad wimpy Invisible Girl is she!) but Adam’s Zeta beam fires and he is returned to Earth. It’s an elegant transition to the threats Earth receives as a parallel threat is happening on our planet.

The tale flows in high action and dudgeon from there, with scenes of future fighter jets, visions of nuclear annihilation, and pneumatic technology fueling a human detective story. In a very satisfying ending, the villain of the piece is revealed not to be some craven, strange-costumed adversary but a scientist gone wrong. There’s a parable in the noble scientist driven mad by the destructive power he controls, and Infantino, Schwartz and the writer all display that story nobly. In the end, the citizens of Rann are proven wrong by the greatest power of all: the power of heroism.

In just 15 pages, readers receive an epic tale that spans two planets and multiple cities. The aliens are much more credible than those Stan Lee creates in his ridiculous tales, and science is always at the heart of these science fiction tales. In fact, science is so much at the heart of this comic book that readers also receive a one-page bonus “Giants of the Telescope” feature describing the incalculable impact William P. Rosse had upon the scientific world. Who says kids don’t want to learn as they read their comics?

For my final example of the superiority of National’s offerings I give you “The Defeat of Green Lantern” from March's Green Lantern #19. Again edited by the superior Schwartz, with art as always by Gil Kane, this tale again combines scientific knowledge with superior storytelling to deliver a tale Stan Lee’s cohorts can only dream of.

As happens so often with Schwartz-led tales, the core of the story lies with science. On the first story page, we witness an ally of Earth’s Green Lantern try to inform his colleague about a cosmo-storm that can increase “sunspot activity, atmospheric lights and odd magnetic disturbances.” As any faithful “Galactic Journey” reader (and anyone who passed a freshman high school science class) would know, these events are much more realistic than vague “cosmic rays” as a means for creating problems in the universe. It also is logical, as the writer depicts, that those disturbances should also cause problems with Green Lantern’s amazing ring.

The story centers around the craven villain Sonar, who has the nucleo-sonic ability to draw energy from sound and use that sound in a solidified manner. Sonar uses this amazing ability to try to bring recognition to his tiny European homeland. Brilliantly Schwartz and team give credibility to Sonar’s megalomania in a richer and more thoughtful way than Lee and Kirby do for the shallow Doctor Doom. (They also choose a much better name for their villain, but, again, what do you expect?) Of course, Lantern is able to defeat Sonar because his strong instincts make him realize his ring is acting strangely. Green Lantern’s heroic abilities win out over the shallow craven villainy of Sonar.

Mr. Marcus, you’re a smart man. That’s why I’m shocked and saddened by your professed ardor for some of the worst comics out there. You’d be better off reading the schlock of Archie Comics than the antiheroic, unscientific junk of Marvel Comics. On the other hand, maybe you should enjoy the adventures of the unfortunately named Spiderman as long as you can. Nobody will want to read the threadbare adventures Lee & co. are delivering. It will only be a short time till the name of the Fantastic Four reaches the dustbin of long-forgotten champions.

[P.S. If you registered for WorldCon this year, please consider nominating Galactic Journey for the "Best Fanzine" Hugo.  Your ballot should have arrived by now…]

[March 2, 1963] Bucking the System (March 1963 Analog)

[While you're reading this article, why not tune in to KGJ, Radio Galactic Journey, playing all the current hits: pop, rock, soul, folk, jazz, country — it's the tops, pops…]

by Gideon Marcus

February has been a busy month for the Journey in terms of fanac (Fan Activity for you normal folks), including a presentation at the Mysterious Galaxy bookstore in San Diego and a panel at a small Los Angeles convention last weekend.  And the pace hasn't slackened: tonight, I'll be giving a talk on the Space Race at, of all places, a space-themed pub.  (And if I met you at the event, be sure to drop me a line.  I love meeting folks from all eras…)

This month's Analog Science Fiction, that great faded lady of the genre, has also been lively.  Not only has it recently grown from digest to slick-sized (so as to take shelf space next to other respectable mags like Time and Scientific American), but it features a host of stories whose common theme seems to be rebellion against a stultifying system. 

So let's check out the March 1963 Analog, shall we?

Natural Resources in Space, by John W. Campbell, Jr.

Apparently Editor Campbell couldn't find anyone to write a science article for him this month…or nothing he got met his exacting standards (i.e. didn't involve quack science like psychics, dowsing, or reactionless drives).  On the other hand, what we got in the way of nonfiction this month is a pleasantly crunchy piece on the location and accessibility of valuable materials in the solar system — from the iron of the asteroids to the helium of the gas giants.  Now we just need to get there!  Three stars.

Frigid Fracas (Part 1 of 2), by Mack Reynolds

Joe Mauser, Mercenary supreme, is back.  Last time we saw him, he was wending his way up through the rigid caste system of 21st Century "Industrial Feudalism," his only opportunity for social climbing being to fight in live-fire corporate disputes.  These "fracases," broadcast on Telly to a largely unemployed, tranquilized populace, are a modern-day Bread and Circuses.  And they're tightly regulated.  No weapons beyond those available in 1900 are allowed; this produces just enough slaughter to entertain, but the weapons pose no threat to a civilized, otherwise peaceful world. 

This time around, the ambitious Major stakes everything on a repeat of his last performance, flying an unmotored sailplane on a reconnaissance patrol.  But this time, he goes armed with a machine gun…because the opposing team has also discovered the benefits of taking the high ground.  Though this is just Part 1 of a two-parter, and despite featuring a fair bit of exposition, this installment makes a decent stand-alone story — and the world Reynold paints is vivid, if not particularly plausible.  Four stars.

All Day Wednesday, by Richard Olin

Ernie, a working stiff in a union factory, dreams of the day when he can finally stop worrying about it all.  That day will never come, because the day he's in won't ever end.  It's a weird, Twilight Zoney piece that doesn't make a lot of sense, but it's nicely rendered.  Three stars.

The Happy Man, by Gerald W. Page

Centuries from now, humanity has left for the stars, leaving behind the placid stay-behinds, content to spend their time in suspended animation, dreaming their own private Heavens.  But one fellow won't accept an artificial paradise and becomes a rebel, raiding the remaining settlements for food and other plunder.  To each their own poison, right?  A decent tale with a surprising ending.  Three stars.

Not in the Literature, by Christopher Anvil

Chris Anvil is an Analog perennial whose work tends toward the satirical.  When he publishes elsewhere, his work can be quite good, but when he writes for Campbell, it tends to take on a self-satisfied tone.  Literature is one of his better efforts in Analog, about an alternate timeline (or another planet) where the history of science differs from our own.  They have experimental rocketships, airships, advanced metallurgy and chemistry, yet no conception of electricity.  When a failed chemist offers a wild plan to conduct heat down a wire (Dig it — current flows!), he is met with derision and dismissal.  Cute, and my nephew, David, liked it.  Three stars.

Spanner in the Works, by J. T. McIntosh

Finally, we have a Spy vs. Spy tale…except the other Spy is not only supposed to be a good guy, it's not a guy at all!  Rather, a capable counter espionage agent must discover why the Bureau's hotshot computer has suddenly started giving useless advice.  A pleasant potboiler, although it's very much in the "Problem; Solution," category of stories, sort of the SF equivalent of the locked room mystery.  Good stuff…for the early 1950s.  Three stars.

This being the end of the month, it's time to see how the monthly sci-fi magazines fared in comparison with each other.  This time around, we had seven, more than the Journey has ever reviewed at a time.  Thank goodness we have the writers to cover it (ten at last count…) If you added up all the four and five-star stories, the stuff worth reading, you'd have enough to fill two whole magazines.  That's pretty good.  Only three out of forty eight stories were by women, continuing the dismal trend of the last several months.  That's not so good.

For you baseball fans, here are the actual numbers: IF secured the top spot with 3.3 stars, followed by Analog (3.2), Worlds of Tomorrow (3), Fantasy and Science Fiction (just 2.7, but featuring the month's best story), Fantastic (2.7), New Worlds (2.6), and finally, Amazing (2.3).  But all of them have something to recommend them, regardless of the score.

Be sure to stay tuned.  Next up, Jason Sacks is back with a look at National Comics…because you knew he couldn't let my recent praise of Marvel go unanswered.  See you then!

[P.S. If you registered for WorldCon this year, please consider nominating Galactic Journey for the "Best Fanzine" Hugo.  Your ballot should have arrived by now…]

55 years ago: Science Fact and Fiction