[October 20, 1963] Science Experiments (November 1963 F&SF and a space update)

by Gideon Marcus Good morning, everyone, and welcome to a special, extra-large Fifth Anniversary edition of the Galactic Journey.  Five years ago tomorrow, I created the Journey to detail the day-by-day adventures of a science fiction magazine fan who just happened to also be a space journalist.  In the passage of five circuits around the … Continue reading [October 20, 1963] Science Experiments (November 1963 F&SF and a space update)

[October 18, 1963] Points of View (December 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow)

by Victoria Silverwolf Philosophers have long debated the nature of reality.  Are things what they seem to be, or do our senses deceive us?  Do you and I perceive the world in the same way, and is there any way to know?  Although there will never be a final answer to such questions, speculation about … Continue reading [October 18, 1963] Points of View (December 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow)

[October 12, 1963] WHIPLASH (the November 1963 Amazing)

by John Boston In all the excitement last month about August’s civil rights march, I forgot to mention the other big news that has reached from Washington all the way to small town Kentucky.  On the first day of school, my home room teacher, sad expression on her face, informed the class that because of … Continue reading [October 12, 1963] WHIPLASH (the November 1963 Amazing)

[September 13, 1963] COMING UP FOR AIR (the October 1963 Amazing)

by John Boston So, there was a big civil rights march in Washington—quarter of a million people, the papers say. Lots of eloquent speeches and fine sentiments. It could make you think that the racial caste system that America was built on is finally starting to change. But I wonder. I work after school and … Continue reading [September 13, 1963] COMING UP FOR AIR (the October 1963 Amazing)

[September 5, 1963] Oh Brave New World (the 1963 Worldcon)

by Gideon Marcus This has been a year of many firsts.  My first year as a full-time writer, my first published fiction story, and now, my first Worldcon.  Ever since I became a science fiction fan back in 1950, Worldcons have been mysterious, half-magic events that happened to other people.  I'd read reports in Fanac … Continue reading [September 5, 1963] Oh Brave New World (the 1963 Worldcon)

[August 27, 1963] Ups and Downs #2 New Worlds, September 1963

by Mark Yon The hot summer (well, hot for England!) of 1963 now seems to be turning to things autumnal, all too soon. I have, since we last spoke, had a wonderful summer break from work, being able to rest a bit and catch up with some much-delayed reading. For the record, I have read … Continue reading [August 27, 1963] Ups and Downs #2 New Worlds, September 1963

[August 16, 1963] Time and Time Again (October 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow)

[Did you meet the Traveler at WorldCon?  Please drop him a line!] by Victoria Silverwolf I believe that time, even more than space, is the great theme of science fiction.  Not only time travel, but also the ways in which the passage of time changes people and the way they live.  Most SF stories take … Continue reading [August 16, 1963] Time and Time Again (October 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow)

[June 16, 1963] Blues for a Red Planet (August 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow)

by Victoria Silverwolf The planet Mars and its inhabitants have long been favorite themes for science fiction writers, from The War of the Worlds to The Martian Chronicles.  Will the age of space travel put an end to our wildest fancies about that alluring world? The Soviet spacecraft intended to study Mars have all failed.  … Continue reading [June 16, 1963] Blues for a Red Planet (August 1963 Worlds of Tomorrow)

[March 26, 1963] The Wind of Change: New Worlds, April 1963

[While you're reading this article, why not tune in to KGJ, Radio Galactic Journey, playing all the current hits: pop, rock, soul, folk, jazz, country — you might just hear a song from the album released by a new British band: The Beatles!] by Mark Yon It’s the end of March, and with the arrival … Continue reading [March 26, 1963] The Wind of Change: New Worlds, April 1963

[December 26, 1962] Diversions. (Ace Double F-161: Brunner's Times without Number, Grinnell's Destiny's Orbit)

[if you’re new to the Journey, read this to see what we’re all about!] by Gideon Marcus Ace Doubles are like an insurance policy for scientifiction readers.  Hungry for a decent yarn after a couple of lousy mags?  Want something more filling than a short story but that requires less commitment than a novel?  Did … Continue reading [December 26, 1962] Diversions. (Ace Double F-161: Brunner's Times without Number, Grinnell's Destiny's Orbit)