[January 28, 1966] The Book as Rorschach Test (Flowers for Algernon)

by Victoria Lucas The View from Here [Six years ago, Daniel Keyes made science fiction history with his revolutionary novelette, Flowers for Algernon. The very height of his triumph was the author's undoing; though he has produced several stories since then, none have had the impact as that first great piece. It was perhaps inevitable … Continue reading [January 28, 1966] The Book as Rorschach Test (Flowers for Algernon)

Flowers for Algernon (April 1959 Fantasy & Science Fiction; 2-20-1959)

Wow. The April 1959 Fantasy & Science Fiction opens with a bang.  The lead novella, Flowers for Algernon, is destined to go down as a classic, I'm sure.  But first, a quick detour to Asimov's column for the week.  The old polymath (older than me–I don't turn 40 until tomorrow!) has been on a gloom … Continue reading Flowers for Algernon (April 1959 Fantasy & Science Fiction; 2-20-1959)

[May 22, 1969] News / Beginnings (Review of Ubik) / My Book (Preview)

by Victoria Lucas !NEWS BULLETIN! Since those of you reading this might not be familiar with events in Berkeley, California, I thought I should report here the death of James Rector, a 25-year-old man shot by a sheriff deputy while on a roof watching the protest against the destruction of community improvements to a vacant … Continue reading [May 22, 1969] News / Beginnings (Review of Ubik) / My Book (Preview)

[April 16, 1969] The Men from Ipomoea (April 1969 Galactoscope)

by Fiona Moore I was interested in reading this month’s Ace Double because I’d never read any Rackham, but had heard some good things about his writing. Ipomoea turned out to be a mixed bag, a pacy adventure story with some interesting themes that didn’t quite live up to its early promise. Cover of Ipomoea … Continue reading [April 16, 1969] The Men from Ipomoea (April 1969 Galactoscope)

February 26, 1969] Springtime for Moorcock? New Worlds, March 1969

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again. As I am a Brit, you may have realised that it is essential that from time to time we talk about the weather – after all, it is usually so changeable here. And post-Christmas I haven’t really mentioned it – the grey, sometimes snowy, dreariness of Winter … Continue reading February 26, 1969] Springtime for Moorcock? New Worlds, March 1969

[July 20, 1968] Beloved Institutions (Orbit 3 and Famous Science Fiction #7)

by Mx. Kris Vyas-Myall Last month marked the 20th anniversary of the founding of the UK’s National Health Service. There are many issues with it, patients often wait for hours to see a GP, doctors trained by the service are regularly leaving for better paid work overseas, and many of the hospitals taken over from … Continue reading [July 20, 1968] Beloved Institutions (Orbit 3 and Famous Science Fiction #7)

[September 8, 1967] New York, New York!  (the 25th World Science Fiction convention)

by Gideon Marcus It's a wonderful town That truly was the Week That Was.  Once again, the annual convergence of the world's fen was tremendous fun, made all the sweeter for the fact that the Journey clan was there in force. Me, Lorelei, Fiona Moore, Alison Scott, and Erica Frank Janice L. Newman and Marie … Continue reading [September 8, 1967] New York, New York!  (the 25th World Science Fiction convention)

[June 26, 1967] Change is Here (New Worlds, July 1967)

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! It’s been a while, but I’m pleased to finally receive a copy of the new New Worlds. (Note: no longer with sf impulse.) And it is new, and different. The first noticeable change was heralded by the slap of the magazine landing on my doormat. Clearly designed … Continue reading [June 26, 1967] Change is Here (New Worlds, July 1967)

[December 26, 1966] Harvesting the Starfields (1966's Galactic Stars!)

by Gideon Marcus There are many outlets that cover new releases in science fiction and fantasy.  But to my knowledge, only one attempts to review every English language publication in the world (not to mention stuff published beyond the U.S. and U.K.!) We are proud of the coverage we provide. And this is the time … Continue reading [December 26, 1966] Harvesting the Starfields (1966's Galactic Stars!)

[January 26, 1966] Changes Afoot! Science Fantasy and New Worlds, February 1966

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! After the usual chaos and madness of a year’s end, it is usual for me to say at this point that I/we are now settling into the routines of 1966 nicely. Or are we? There’s change afoot! Last month I made a half-joking remark that Science Fantasy … Continue reading [January 26, 1966] Changes Afoot! Science Fantasy and New Worlds, February 1966