[April 22, 1965] Cracker Jack issue (May 1965 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

by Gideon Marcus A surprise at the bottom I'm sure everyone's familiar with America's snack, as ubiquitous at ball games as beer and hotdogs.  As caramel corn goes, it's pretty mediocre stuff, though once you start eating, you find you can't stop.  And the real incentive is the prize waiting for you at the bottom … Continue reading [April 22, 1965] Cracker Jack issue (May 1965 Fantasy and Science Fiction)

[April 14, 1965] Furious Time Travel (April Galactoscope)

This month's Galactoscope features a triplet of tales, all of which have something to recommend them… The Fury Out of Time , by Lloyd Biggle Jr. By Jason Sacks The Fury Out of Time is an fun page turner, with some clever ideas and some wacky plot machinations. It's a delight to read author Lloyd … Continue reading [April 14, 1965] Furious Time Travel (April Galactoscope)

[November 12, 1966] A Family Tradition (December 1966 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus Identical cousins My brother Louis and I diverge quite a lot.  He's an observant Jew, I'm an atheist.  He served in World War 2 (drafted into the Navy), I did not.  He's an affluent pawnbroker.  I'm a writer of questionable success. But where we differ the most is the subjects of our … Continue reading [November 12, 1966] A Family Tradition (December 1966 Galaxy)

[June 4, 1963] Booked passage (July 1963 IF)

by Gideon Marcus How quickly the futuristic becomes commonplace.  Just two years ago, I marveled about how fast one can cross the oceans by jet.  Now, on the eve of another trip to Japan (we really have joined the Jet Set, haven't we?) I look at the flight itinerary and grumble.  Why must we stop … Continue reading [June 4, 1963] Booked passage (July 1963 IF)

[Oct. 31, 1961] A is for Atomic (UK TV Sci-fi… and the Tsar Bomba)

By Ashley R. Pollard A is for atomic and apocalypse, and this month also for Andromeda.  Of the three, the most entertaining is the new TV series on the BBC, called A for Andromeda, written by Frederick Hoyle and John Elliot.  Hoyle is an astronomer and noted cosmologist who also wrote the science fiction novel … Continue reading [Oct. 31, 1961] A is for Atomic (UK TV Sci-fi… and the Tsar Bomba)