[April 15, 1962] REGRESSION TO THE MEAN (the May 1962 Amazing)

by John Boston Last month, I asked: can they keep it up?  Amazing’s marked increase in quality, that is.  Well, no, not this month anyway. The May 1962 Amazing labors under a large handicap: half of it is given over to The Airlords of Han by Philip Francis Nowlan, the second Buck Rogers novella, reprinted … Continue reading [April 15, 1962] REGRESSION TO THE MEAN (the May 1962 Amazing)

[February 14, 1962] St. Valentine's Update (The Second Sex in SFF, Part V)

by Gideon Marcus It's not quite time for a funeral, yet! Nearly a decade ago, the Chicken Littles of our genre scribbled at length in our magazines and buttonholed each other at conventions to voice their fears that science fiction was dying.  Well, it is true that we are down to just six American sff … Continue reading [February 14, 1962] St. Valentine's Update (The Second Sex in SFF, Part V)

[January 4, 1962] Over the top…Barely (February 1962 Amazing)

by John Boston Life is full of happy surprises!  At long last Amazing has crossed a line: nothing in the the February 1962 issue is worse than three stars, and the average is a little higher.  Read on; I think you'll agree that there is much to enjoy in this, the first magazine of the … Continue reading [January 4, 1962] Over the top…Barely (February 1962 Amazing)

[September 20, 1961] Theme and Variations (October 1961 Fantastic)

As promised, a surprise article from a surprising source.  Victoria Silverwolf has been an asset to this column for three years, providing commentary that might as well have been an article in and of itself (not to mention being 95% in alignment with my views).  Imagine my joy when Ms. Silverwolf offered to contribute an … Continue reading [September 20, 1961] Theme and Variations (October 1961 Fantastic)

[August 31, 1967] I wouldn't send a knight out on a dog like this… (September 1967 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus Reversed metaphors As we speak, I am packing for my trip to this year's Worldcon.  I'm not sure what to expect other than I understand I'll be on a lot of panels.  I'm mostly looking forward to seeing friends like Tom Purdom, Larry Niven, Ted White, and more. My excitement is somewhat … Continue reading [August 31, 1967] I wouldn't send a knight out on a dog like this… (September 1967 Analog)

[December 10, 1966] Hot and Cold (December Galactoscope #1)

But first, please read this brief interlude! As you know, in addition to Galactic Journey, I also run Journey Press, devoted both to republishing classics discovered while on this trek through time, but also to publish new works of science fiction in fantasy that (I hope!) live up to the quality and tradition of the … Continue reading [December 10, 1966] Hot and Cold (December Galactoscope #1)