[March 31, 1969] 15 Minutes of Famous (Famous #8 & 9)

By Mx Kris Vyas-Myall Following their marriage in Gibraltar, experimental artist Yoko Ono and her husband, John Lennon, did something unusual for their honeymoon. In Amsterdam they stayed in bed… for peace. In complete contrast to the infamous Two Virgins album cover, they were fully attired and let the press observe them for 8 hours … Continue reading [March 31, 1969] 15 Minutes of Famous (Famous #8 & 9)

[February 18, 1969] (February Galactoscope)

Is ten books a record for the Galactoscope?  Lucky we have so many folks reading furiously for the Journey.  And it's a good thing, because amidst the dross and mediocrity, there's a couple of gems… by Tonya R. Moore Let the Fire Fall by Kate Wilhelm Kate Wilhelm is perhaps better known for her debut … Continue reading [February 18, 1969] (February Galactoscope)

[January 26, 1968] A New World Order New Worlds, February 1969

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again. After the grumpiness of my last review, I’m pleased to say that 1969 has arrived and put me in a better frame of mind. I am determined that this new year will see me being more positive. Mind you, New Worlds seems determined at times to try … Continue reading [January 26, 1968] A New World Order New Worlds, February 1969

[January 6, 1969] Booms and Busts (February 1969 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus Brighter than a Million Suns China's got the Bomb, but have no fears—they can't wipe us out for at least five years… So sang satirist Tom Lehrer in 1965 for the television show That Was the Week that Was.  Well, here we are, about five years later, and the Chinese have graduated … Continue reading [January 6, 1969] Booms and Busts (February 1969 Galaxy)

[December 30, 1968] Beautiful Downtown Starbank (the 1968 Galactic Stars)

by Gideon Marcus At long last, it's holiday season again—and that means offering up our choices for the best science fiction of 1968.  These recommendations represent the culmination of a year's work: reading virtually every English-language (and some translated) work of science fiction and fantasy, regardless of where it's published; reviewing them; rating them; nominating … Continue reading [December 30, 1968] Beautiful Downtown Starbank (the 1968 Galactic Stars)

[December 26, 1968] Comfort OK? Looking Forward, Not Backwards New Worlds, January 1969

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again. A recent comment from our leader here at Galactic Journey caused me to pause for thought. As he summed up the year in science fiction, it struck me that we are about to end one year (not that un-obvious, admittedly) and about to begin the last year … Continue reading [December 26, 1968] Comfort OK? Looking Forward, Not Backwards New Worlds, January 1969

[November 10, 1968] Ratings (December 1968 Fantastic)

by Victoria Silverwolf Alphabet Soup On the first day of this month, a new movie rating system created by the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) went into effect. Although the system is voluntary, filmgoers in the USA can expect to see a letter of the alphabet accompanying almost every movie. This is very old … Continue reading [November 10, 1968] Ratings (December 1968 Fantastic)

[October 22, 1968] Hello Again!  New Worlds, October & November 1968

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello. Testing, testing.. Anyone there? This feels a little like one of those lonely messages out on the ether, post-apocalypse. I was last here for the July 1968 issue, whose publication, if you remember, was at a time of turmoil…. And then nothing for nearly four months. Until now, … Continue reading [October 22, 1968] Hello Again!  New Worlds, October & November 1968

[October 12, 1968] (October 1968 Galactoscope)

by Mx. Kris Vyas-Myall Although only bi-annual, rather than quarterly, at the moment, Carnell continues to regularly release his anthology series, easily eclipsing Pohl’s Star series and Knight’s Orbit. Will it be lucky #13? New Writings in S-F 13 Carnell notes there is an international flavour to this volume, with four Brits, Two Aussies, One … Continue reading [October 12, 1968] (October 1968 Galactoscope)

[September 4, 1968] Open your Golden Gate (Baycon: Worldcon 1968)

by Gideon Marcus Goodness, what a show! After eight days of the GOP and then the Democratic conventions, it was sure nice to go to a place where everyone was normal…at least, per our definition of normal. Baycon program.  From Fanac Worldcon exploded in attendance last year, in part thanks to the influence of Star … Continue reading [September 4, 1968] Open your Golden Gate (Baycon: Worldcon 1968)