Category Archives: Uncategorized

No hands, ma! (5-16-1959)

Like a doofus, I washed two of my left-handed braces without washing my rights.  I can't type long without them, so tonight's update will have to wait until tomorrow.

Sorry, folks!  Instead, I shall saunter to the drive-in with my daughter.  Maybe I'll catch a late-night sci fi flick to write about…

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth, where it has comment count unavailable comments. Please comment here or there.

Gone fishin'!

Hello, everyone.  I'd intended to stretch my review of this month's Galaxy to cover two articles.  Instead, I only had an article's worth of material.  As a result, the weekend has come, and I have little to say!  So I'll be back on April 21st with my thoughts on the new Astounding, which I'm zipping through.

Thanks for reading, and enjoy the lovely spring.

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth, where it has comment count unavailable comments. Please comment here or there.