[December 26, 1969] A Wreath of Stars (the best science fiction of 1969!)

[New to the Journey?  Read this for a brief introduction!] by Gideon Marcus We at the Journey have a special treat for you this holiday season.  Look beneath all the discarded paper and shed pine needles and gelt wrappers—why, it's a complete list of The Best Science Fiction (and Fantasy) of 1969!  With SFnal output … Continue reading [December 26, 1969] A Wreath of Stars (the best science fiction of 1969!)

[April 28, 1964] Out With the Old…. (New Worlds, May-June 1964)

by Mark Yon Scenes from England Hello again! To be honest, I wasn’t sure I would have anything to report to you this month. The changes in ownership and editorship at New Worlds last month had left things in a fair degree of confusion and chaos. Although new hands were at the wheel, it wasn’t … Continue reading [April 28, 1964] Out With the Old…. (New Worlds, May-June 1964)

[August 3, 1962] New Worlds to Conquer (a view from Britain: September 1962 New Worlds)

[if you’re new to the Journey, read this to see what we’re all about!] by Mark Yon Hello to all Travellers – greetings from Europe. I’ve been asked by our Traveller to tell you of the British magazine situation as it appears here in England. There are some differences between the British & the American … Continue reading [August 3, 1962] New Worlds to Conquer (a view from Britain: September 1962 New Worlds)

[January 16, 1970] Strange Reports (Vision of Tomorrow #5 and New Writings SF-16)

By Mx Kris Vyas-Myall The news to start this decade seems to be unrelentingly gloomy. The crisis in Biafra is only worsening, Mainland China and the USSR are at each other’s throats, and, at home, the government appears paralyzed on how to deal with inflation or the Unions. But I want to take a break … Continue reading [January 16, 1970] Strange Reports (Vision of Tomorrow #5 and New Writings SF-16)

[November 14, 1969] To Experiment or Not To Experiment, That is the Question. (The New S. F. & Vision of Tomorrow #2)

By Mx Kris Vyas-Myall Among musicians right now, there seems to be a split around whether to look towards an experimental future or an idealized past for their inspiration. Both in pop music and SF, nudity and sex remain sources of controversy. The most explicit examples of Futurism come from two recent singles, Zager and … Continue reading [November 14, 1969] To Experiment or Not To Experiment, That is the Question. (The New S. F. & Vision of Tomorrow #2)

[October 6, 1969] The Rule of a Mediocracy (Vision of Tomorrow #3)

By Mx Kris Vyas-Myall The Times is running a series of articles where major thinkers elucidate on what they believe life will be like in 1980. The series started with Arthur Koestler (philosopher most known for his Orwellian novel, Darkness at Noon) who predicts that, in the Britain of 1980, Mediocracy will be the order … Continue reading [October 6, 1969] The Rule of a Mediocracy (Vision of Tomorrow #3)