[March 31, 1966] Shapes of Things (April 1966 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus Change Out in the world of music, there's a change brewing. One can hear it in the experimentation of the Beatles' Rubber Soul album or the otherworldly tinge of The Yardbirds' latest hit, Shapes of Things. I've been long planning to write an article on the musical scene, and I'd best get … Continue reading [March 31, 1966] Shapes of Things (April 1966 Analog)

[February 8, 1966] Feeling A Draft (March 1966 IF)

by David Levinson Dodging the issue Conscription has been part of American military planning for a little over a century, and it’s never been popular. From the draft riots of the Civil War to young men burning their draft cards today, there has always been resistance. During the Civil War, wealthy men could hire substitutes … Continue reading [February 8, 1966] Feeling A Draft (March 1966 IF)

[November 2, 1965] Revolution! (December 1965 IF)

by David Levinson Americans have an odd relationship with revolution. They’re quite proud of their own, but extremely leery of anyone else’s. But revolution seems to be the natural order of things in the 20th century. Not all of them have been violent, nor have all of them been political. And no doubt we will … Continue reading [November 2, 1965] Revolution! (December 1965 IF)

[October 2, 1965] Gimmickry (November 1965 IF)

by David Levinson When I was a boy, a gimmick was either much the same thing as a gadget or the sort of device a crooked casino owner would use to make sure the roulette wheel comes up 22. These days, of course, it means an ingenious new angle or a trick to draw attention … Continue reading [October 2, 1965] Gimmickry (November 1965 IF)

[September 6, 1965] War and Peace (October 1965 IF)

by David Levinson War is something of a constant in human history, with nearly every generation facing at least one. Fifty years ago, the great powers of Europe – with a late assist from the United States – fought the “war to end war” (a phrase probably coined by H. G. Wells). Twenty years later, … Continue reading [September 6, 1965] War and Peace (October 1965 IF)

[August 2, 1965] Expansion and Contraction (September 1965 IF)

by David Levinson It seems like the world gets a little smaller every day. Jet planes are gradually replacing larger propeller-driven planes in the passenger market, reducing the time it takes to get from one place to another. As they become more ubiquitous even the middle class may be able to travel like the jet … Continue reading [August 2, 1965] Expansion and Contraction (September 1965 IF)

[July 2, 1965] Gallimaufry (August 1965 IF)

by David Levinson A gallimaufry is a kind of stew. Like any stew, it’s composed of a bunch of things thrown together and so has also come to mean any sort of hodge-podge. Since I haven’t been able to come up with some sort of overarching theme this month (and perhaps because, as I write … Continue reading [July 2, 1965] Gallimaufry (August 1965 IF)

[June 2, 1965] Heck in a Handbasket (July 1965 IF)

You don't want to miss this week's episode of The Journey Show, with a panel of professional space historians while Gemini 4 orbits overhead! Register now! by David Levinson May has been a chaotic month. War – and not just in the places you might be aware of – unrest, political ups and downs. I’ve … Continue reading [June 2, 1965] Heck in a Handbasket (July 1965 IF)

[March 30, 1965] Suborbital Shots (April 1965 Analog)

by Gideon Marcus Mission Failures It's been a tremendous month for fans of the Space Race. I won't go into detail here, since we already published an article on Voskhod 2, Gemini 3, etc. just last week. Thanks to Newton's Third Law, or perhaps the Second Law of Thermodynamics, or maybe Finagle/Murphy's First, the science … Continue reading [March 30, 1965] Suborbital Shots (April 1965 Analog)

[March 8, 1965] An Alien Perspective (April 1965 Galaxy)

by Gideon Marcus Understanding the Other Civilization is about building a society out of disparate units.  It has to go beyond the family and clan.  The key to organizing a civilization is empathy, recognizing that we are all different yet we share common values and rights.  Once we understand each other, even if we don't … Continue reading [March 8, 1965] An Alien Perspective (April 1965 Galaxy)