[March 8, 1961] Bland for Adventure (April 1961 Galaxy, 1st half)

As we speak, my nephew, David, is on the S.S. Israel bound for Haifa, Israel.  It's the last leg of a long trip that began with a plane ride from Los Angeles to New York, continued with a six-day sea cruise across the Atlantic to Gibraltar, and which currently sees the youth making a brief … Continue reading [March 8, 1961] Bland for Adventure (April 1961 Galaxy, 1st half)

[January 6, 1960] Watch your tongue?  (February 1961 Galaxy, Part 1)

The old saying goes, "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all."  As you know, I am rarely reserved when I don't like a piece of work.  Every once in a while, I get a gentle chiding.  One reader said he didn't want to hear about stories I don't like–just the ones … Continue reading [January 6, 1960] Watch your tongue?  (February 1961 Galaxy, Part 1)