Heading back East on a DC-8. I'm taking a book and several magazines with me, so there will be plenty of reviews when I return! Expect an update by the 29th, if not sooner.
The Traveler
Heading back East on a DC-8. I'm taking a book and several magazines with me, so there will be plenty of reviews when I return! Expect an update by the 29th, if not sooner.
The Traveler
Leaving a Merry Christmas! for when you can pick it up.
Don't smoke those free cigarettes the stewardesses hand out!
But go ahead and have a couple of those tiny little booze bottles.
Humph. Nothing but 707s for me! But, of course, this is the home of the Lazy B. Have a great near year!
Leaving a Merry Christmas, for when you can pick it up. But go ahead and have an also a couple of those tiny little booze bottles. you launch a great course. I like it, keep it up.